Israeli soldiers take position during an army operation in Tulkarm in the north of the occupied West Bank on August 29, 2024. Israel on August 28 launched a large-scale operation in the occupied West Bank where the military said it killed Palestinian fighters, as the nearly 11-month-old Gaza war showed no signs of abating. Image Credit: AFP

The ongoing military assault by Israel against Palestinians in the West Bank is not only a tragic humanitarian crisis but also a flagrant violation of international law that demands immediate cessation. As the world watches in shock, it is crucial to understand why this violence must end and why the international community cannot remain passive.

The West Bank, occupied by Israel since 1967, has been a flashpoint of conflict for decades. This occupation, deemed illegal by international bodies like the International Court of Justice (ICJ), has led to the systematic oppression of Palestinians through settlement expansions, forced evictions, and military incursions.

The recent escalation, which has resulted in numerous Palestinian deaths and detentions, is part of Israel’s broader strategy to solidify control over Palestinian land and expand illegal settlements, while blatantly disregarding international law and human rights.

Israel’s escalated military operations in the West Bank, presented as a “counterterrorism” effort, are fundamentally unjustified, especially when contrasted with its rationale for the assault on Gaza. While the attacks on Gaza are framed as a response to the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas, extending military aggression to the West Bank under the same pretext is indefensible, given that Fatah, not Hamas, governs the West Bank.

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This escalation has exacerbated an already dire situation, with nearly seven hundred Palestinians killed and thousands detained since Oct. 7, 2023. The real issue is the ongoing occupation and its severe humanitarian consequences on the Palestinian population.

The use of drones, ground troops, and heavy weaponry in densely populated areas only serves to escalate tensions and deepen the cycle of violence. This offensive, the largest in the West Bank in two decades, underscores the severity of the situation and the urgent need for international intervention.

The UN Secretary-General has called for an immediate cessation of the attacks, stressing the need to protect civilians and ensure access to medical care. His condemnation of the loss of life, particularly among children, highlights the gross human rights violations taking place. The situation is further inflamed by provocative actions from Israeli far-right leaders, worsening an already explosive situation in the West Bank.

The conflict has drawn widespread international condemnation. The EU foreign policy chief has also hinted at sanctions against Israeli ministers. The recent ICJ advisory opinion, which declared Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories illegal, reinforces the global community’s responsibility to hold Israel accountable. Ignoring this ruling undermines international law and sets a dangerous precedent for other conflicts worldwide

Violence in the West Bank has become almost a daily occurrence, with nearly seven hundred Palestinians killed and thousands detained since the war in Gaza began. The Israeli military’s actions, combined with significant land seizures, complicate prospects for peace and stability in the region.

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Violence and trauma

The humanitarian toll is devastating, with Palestinian families living in constant fear of night raids, arbitrary detentions, and extrajudicial killings. Children are particularly vulnerable, growing up in an environment marked by violence and trauma, their futures irreparably damaged by the occupation.

The economic impact of the occupation is equally dire. Israel’s restrictions on movement, trade, and access to resources have crippled the Palestinian economy, leading to widespread poverty and limited access to essential services like health care, education, and employment. The United Nations World Food Program has raised alarms about the worsening hunger crisis in the West Bank due to escalating Israeli arrests and movement restrictions.

The Palestinian economy has suffered a 22% GDP drop, with unemployment soaring to 29% in the final quarter of 2023. These economic difficulties are linked to the loss of work permits for Palestinians in Israel, restricted commercial activities, and a deteriorating political situation since Oct. 7, marked by increased Israeli military checkpoints. This economic strangulation seems to be a deliberate policy to weaken Palestinian society and suppress resistance to the occupation.

The international community’s response has been largely inadequate. While there have been condemnations and calls for restraint, meaningful action to hold Israel accountable has been lacking. The United States and other Western nations, often shielding Israel from significant consequences, provide diplomatic support, military aid, and use their veto power in the United Nations Security Council to block resolutions that could lead to accountability.

Undermining rule of law

This complicity undermines the rule of law and emboldens Israel to continue its policies of aggression and occupation. It sends a clear message to the Palestinian people that their suffering is of little concern to the world, further fuelling resentment and despair. The international community’s failure to act perpetuates the cycle of violence and erodes the credibility of international institutions meant to uphold human rights and peace.

The ongoing military operations in the West Bank must be recognised for what they are: a systematic campaign of oppression and violence that grossly violates human rights and international law. The expansion of settlements, the use of excessive force by the Israeli military, and the routine forced displacement of Palestinian families all breach the Geneva Conventions and must be condemned in the strongest terms.

The international community must move beyond mere rhetoric and take concrete actions to hold Israel accountable. This includes imposing sanctions, cutting military aid, and supporting international investigations into potential war crimes in the West Bank. Such measures are necessary not only to protect the Palestinian people but also to uphold the principles of international law and human rights.

It is time to stand up for the Palestinian people, demand an end to the occupation, and work toward a future where both Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace and dignity. The violence must stop now, for the sake of justice, peace, and the future of the region.