Wheatgrass juice is the latest superdrink in town

Wheatgrass juice is the latest superdrink in town

We give you the lowdown on wheatgrass shots and its benefits

Wheatgrass juice
Wheatgrass juice Image Credit: Shutterstock

So you have heard of wheatgrass shots and skimmed over the benefits of wheatgrass juice — but what's all the fuss about?

You see it everywhere these days and I'm sure most of you have had a shot of the green power juice at the juice bar. But here, I'm going to tell you why it's so good for you.

I'm sure you have noticed the increasing trend towards healthy eating. We have already worked out that pill-popping is not the answer and it's best to adopt a “prevention is better than cure'' attitude for your health.

Constant renewal

We are what we eat. Our body is constantly renewing itself from the inside — so much so that in two years, our soft tissue (muscles, organs, skin) is renewed.

In a seven-year cycle, all our bones are renewed. But what the tissues and bones need to renew is a healthy body and system. And for that, the building blocks in the body need to be in the best of condition. It is also important not to let the body's waste materials accumulate.

A simple, fresh diet can work wonders. Most people equate protein intake with muscle-building but that's not the case at all. Look at nature: The lean, energetic beasts are mostly veggie chompers.

When at the supermarket next time, don't eye a chocolate croissant. Instead, go and pick a whole-food treat — which is, basically, unprocessed food rich in nutrients.

Whole food, this

Wheatgrass is a whole food. It has protein, carbohydrate, fats and the essential vitamins and minerals.

Juicing wheatgrass unlocks its minerals and vitamins and allows us to digest it with ease.

Wheatgrass juice has amino acids, vitamins (it is a non-animal source of B12), enzymes, minerals and trace elements (from the 92 minerals available in nature, wheatgrass sucks 90 out of the soil), essential fatty acids, protein, beta carotene (natural vitamin A) and chlorophyll.

It is chlorophyll that helps trap the sun's rays for photosynthesis and makes veggies green. Wheatgrass juice is also sometimes called liquid sunshine.

Chlorophyll-containing wheatgrass juice, or any green juice for that matter, helps cleanse the system, boosting the blood's ability to carry oxygen.

Wheatgrass and other grass juices are alkaline and thus help in alkalising food.

Justified name

Wheatgrass is justifiably known as one of nature's superfoods. Like all green plants, wheatgrass is high in oxygen and full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Some of its health benefits include purification of blood and liver, improving blood sugar levels and helping blood carry oxygen. Wheatgrass is also gluten-free and is suitable for anyone with gluten intolerance. Barley grass is a good substitute.

Benefits of wheatgrass

  • System cleanser: Not only does wheatgrass drain the lymph nodes and carry toxins away from cells, it also promotes regularity and eliminates them consistently.
  • Nutrition: Research claims that a single serving of wheatgrass is equal to 2.5 pounds of green, leafy vegetables. Being composed of 70 per cent chlorophyll and containing enzymes, amino acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur, cobalt and zinc makes it a reservoir of nutrients.
  • Body builder: Wheatgrass normalises high blood pressure and stimulates tissue growth.
  • Energiser: The nutrients in wheatgrass help feed the body and keep it ready for action. Its effects can even be compared to two cups of coffee.
  • Weight control: Since wheatgrass is rich in vitamins and minerals, the appetite is quickly satiated.
  • Neutralises toxins and carcinogens in the body.
  • Reduces blood sugar disorders.
  • Helps prevent tooth decay.
  • Increases haemoglobin production.
  • Keeps hair from greying.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Reduces high blood pressure.
  • Aids in the prevention and cure of cancer.

However, when consumed in liquid form, it tastes horrible.

I tried different methods of preparing it, such as mixing with honey and into shakes, but it still didn't work.

At least, not until I discovered wheatgrass in sachet form, in which you get the goodness of wheatgrass without the aftertaste.

Did you know that wheatgrass also contains powerful antioxidants and is a nutrient-packed raw food? And that by juicing it, you can access its goodness?

It is grown from the red wheat berry and contains all the basic vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes that the body needs.

Being part of the grass family, however, it is not possible for the human digestive system to process it. So to access the wonderful goodness inside, we need to juice it. After this, the nutrients are easily absorbed by the body.

Did you know wheatgrass contains every vitamin known to man and that drinking wheatgrass juice is one of the best ways of including antioxidants in your diet?

Due to its strong taste, many people combine wheatgrass juice with other juices, such as that of celery, spinach and carrot.

Drinking wheatgrass juice will bring a significant rise in your energy level and immunity, protecting you from colds and stomach-related illnesses.

Here are a few cocktails that will help you include wheatgrass as a staple in your diet.

As wheatgrass is not easily available in its natural form, a good substitute would be wheatgrass powder, which is easily available in sachets at health shops.

You can get started with these ideas and gradually proceed to create your own concoctions.

Always remember to buy the freshest possible greens and consume them within the next two days to keep their nutritional value as high as possible. So nab them before they wilt.

Also, the darker green the vegetable, the higher the nutritional value.

Liquid iron

  • 2 celery stalks
  • 4 large spinach leaves
  • 1/2 cup parsley
  • 1 sachet wheatgrass powder

Wash the greens thoroughly; then cut up the celery and spinach and juice them. Put all the ingredients, other than the wheatgrass, through the blender. Give it a good whiz.

Then add the sachet of wheatgrass and give it another whiz. This drink is as good as liquid iron, so for those of you who are anaemic, get out there and get whizzing.

Wheatgrass smoothie

  • 2 oranges, juiced
  • 1 lime
  • 1 banana
  • 1 sachet wheatgrass powder
  • 12 ice cubes, crushed

Juice the orange and the lime. Put the juice, the banana and the wheatgrass powder through a blender to create this stimulating and invigorating blend.

Carrot grass

  • 3 carrots
  • 1 sachet wheatgrass powder

A nutritious drink that tastes good as well. Juice the carrots and pour into a blender along with the wheatgrass powder. Give it a whiz.

Tropical passion grass

  • 2 kiwi fruits
  • 1 guava or papaya
  • 1 cup pineapples
  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 orange
  • 1 sachet wheatgrass powder

Put all the fruits and the wheatgrass through the juicer and serve chilled with strawberries on the side.

Serve these drinks to the kids in different-coloured glasses with a cherry or a raspberry on top. You will have them addicted to this health food in no time.

Apple-mango grass

  • 1 or 2 apples, cut into pieces
  • 1/2 mango, medium size
  • 1 sachet wheatgrass powder

The apple sweetens the taste of the wheatgrass while the mango adds a bit of body to this yummy refresher.

Pure veggie delight

  • 2 carrots, large
  • 3 celery stalks
  • 1/2 cup parsley
  • 4 spinach leaves, large
  • 1/2 beetroot
  • 1/2 cup alfalfa sprouts
  • 1 sachet wheatgrass powder

Wash the veggies thoroughly and put through the juicer along with the wheatgrass.

Hawaiian wheatgrass

  • 2 cups fresh pineapple chunks
  • 1 orange, juiced
  • 1 papaya, cut up into chunks
  • 1 sachet wheatgrass powder

Put all the fruits and the orange juice through a blender. Now sit back and enjoy this healthy Hawaiian treat.

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