The story of one Indian couple desperate to migrate to Canada hits home on quite few levels, especially for expat families who are looking to build a new life for their children.
The first film in the ‘Bayat: A Solemn Promise’ series follows the story of Vinay, whose life resembles that of an overworked hamster, perpetually running in the wheel of life. Work consumes his existence, with 14-hour workdays taking a toll on his health and family life.
The work-life balance or lack thereof is something many working individuals are privy to here in the UAE, especially since the onslaught of the pandemic that has blurred the lines between switching on and off. In the short film, Vinay finds himself in a similar predicament, returning after a 14-hour shift, only to be told that he needs to either come back in or clock into office much earlier the following day to complete a report.
His wife Vinitha finds herself bearing the brunt of his frustration, which turns to desperation when their daughter Ashu pleads with her father to move away from this mundane existence and start afresh.
Is that even possible, quizzes Vinay. The family’s predicament is answered by a friend who has already paved the way for his own migration to Canada, along with that of his family. Vinitha and Vinay have been trying for three years and are worried that this latest experiment could also fail, along with another heavy loss to incur in the process.
What sets the film apart is the transparent approach adapted in the storyline. Without making false promises as Vinay heads to Bayat Legal Services for a consult, the assurance gives that much-needed confidence to the family and others like them to take that leap of faith.