Madonna won't explicitly say who she's rooting for, but her spot-on salsa dance in honour of the New York Giants Victor Cruz may have revealed where her allegiance lies.

At a news conference on Thursday to promote her half-time Super Bowl performance, she was asked what she thought of the wide receiver's touchdown celebration dance and if she had any criticisms of his moves.

"I have no criticism ... actually, he has inspired me. I've been practising," said Madonna, who lives in New York, before busting a move in front of the few hundred media members in attendance.

"Do you think he would approve?" she asked after her brief performance. Madonna also leaned toward the Giants when pressed on which quarterback she would rather have dinner with, the New England Patriots' Tom Brady or the Giants' Eli Manning. While she protested the question was unfair, she allowed: "I would have to say Eli because he lives in New York and I don't want him to waste gas."

Madonna gave a few details about Sunday's show, which is being "imagined" Cirque du Soleil and may feature rapper Nicki Minaj, who is featured on Madonna's new single Give Me All Your Luvin'.

"I really don't want to blow the surprises," said Madonna, who only promised to sing three old songs and a new one. "I want people to be knocked off their feet."