20240825 kuwait cabinet reshuffle
The shortage is threatening the viability of the industry Image Credit: WAM

Dubai: The daily worsening of the diesel crisis is causing the union of Kuwaiti fishermen to express concern over the overwhelming challenges facing the fishing sector, which are increasingly beyond the fishermen's control.

In a recent press statement, the union detailed the numerous obstacles impacting the industry.

Despite these difficulties, the union remains dedicated to overcoming the challenges and continuing to provide marine products to ensure food security.

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The severity of the crisis, particularly the diesel shortage, threatens the sector's viability, leading to the migration of fishermen and exacerbating operational difficulties.

The union emphasised the urgent need for a solution to these issues, citing numerous official communications sent to the economic committee of the council of ministers, the support committee of the ministry of finance, and other relevant authorities.

They stressed that addressing the diesel crisis is crucial to prevent further migration of fishing workers to neighbouring countries and to avoid forcing fishing license holders to suspend operations due to prohibitive costs.

Failure to act could lead to the decline of the fishing profession and negatively impact local products and prices.