A protester holding up a picture of Gebran Bassil. Image Credit: Twitter

Beirut: Lebanese have been protesting for a week now, directing their anger at the country’s “corrupt” ruling elite.

Young and old have been marching and chanting against various politicians, but Lebanon’s controversial foreign minister Gebran Bassil, appears to be bearing the brunt of criticism.

Bassil, who is also Lebanese President Michel Aoun’s son-in-law, has been particularly slammed by protesters, who even came up with a special chant against him.

The chant: Hela hela hela hoo, Gebran Bassil (expletive) immo, has become a nationwide jingle, heard among protesters as well as on the radio.

Demonstrators have been spotted dancing to the song and young children have been heard to be repeating it.

It was even dubbed and released as a mixed music blend voicing over the words of the national anthem.

On social media, Bassil’s picture has circulated in post asking the Guiness Book of Records to list him as the most cursed politician in the world for the shortest period of time.

“People are so angry at all the politicians without any exceptions but this jingle proves that he is the most hated. I don’t know why!” Pierre S. told Gulf News.

Bassil, 49, has been a minister since 2008 and has successively served as Minister of Telecommunication, Minister of Energy and Water and Minister of Foreign Affairs, the office which he assumed in 2014 till present.

He was voted for the first time as a parliamentarian in 2018 following several failed attempts in earlier elections.

Bassil (L) with Lebanese President Michel Aoun (R). Image Credit: Reuters

In 2015, he became head of Free Patriotic Movement after succeeding his father-in-law, President of Lebanon Michel Aoun.

He has become a divisive figure in Lebanon as many citizens accuse him of trying to revive and fuel sectarianism for political gain.

He is also hated for his political ties to the Shiite militant group, Hezbollah.

Citizens believe that Aoun has been grooming his son-in-law to become president.

-With inputs from Layelle Saad/Middle East Editor