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Dubai: Saudi Arabia has claimed the top spot in the "Edelman Trust Barometer 2024" index, which measures the levels of trust and credibility between governments and citizens. The kingdom achieved a remarkable 86 per cent in the Index for Trust in Government, marking a significant 5 per cent increase compared to the previous year.

According to Edelman, a global public relations consultancy firm, China followed closely in second place with 85 per cent, the UAE secured third place with 84 per cent, and Singapore ranked fourth with a trust level of 77 per cent.

Edelman report unveiled that Saudi Arabia stands at the fourth position globally in the business confidence index. Additionally, the Kingdom earned the seventh spot in the media trust index among the 28 countries included in the report.

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Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Information has recently implemented major changes, covering both organizational and administrative aspects. These reforms are complemented by dynamic movements in various media fields, including the launch of several media initiatives, projects, and programs.

Trust in Saudi Arabia's government increased to 86 per cent, followed by the business sector at 78 per cent. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and media have trust levels of 64 per cent and 61 per cent, respectively.

The survey gathered responses from nearly 32,000 individuals across 28 countries. China, the UAE, and Singapore also ranked high in government trust.