Manama: Kuwait's ambassador in Cairo has denied a report commissioned by Egypt's justice ministry report that a Kuwaiti society has donated funds to a local Salafi group.

"The report that Kuwait's Islamic Heritage Revival Association has donated 114,493,643 Egyptian pounds ($18,895,100) to Ansar Al Sunna Al Mohammadia [the Supporters of the Sunna of Mohammad], is not true," Rasheed Al Hamad said.

"Kuwait does not fund any Islamist groups in Egypt, so the allegations are baseless and lack credibility. Kuwait does not have any links with Salafis in Egypt and it does not interfere in its domestic political affairs. However, we do support charitable societies that care for orphans and the poor and we have evidence to support our words," he said, quoted by Kuwaiti daily Al Rai.

Ansar Al Sunna Al Mohammadia is considered as the main Salafi group in Egypt,

According to the ambassador, the Islamic Heritage Revival Association sends its donations through Egypt's social solidarity ministry and the Kuwaiti embassy in Cairo.

"The financial support has been in place for a long time, well before the political changes in Egypt," he said.

The report said that Egyptian Salafis received 296 million Egyptian pounds ($48,849,300) from the Arabian Gulf states, including 181.7 millions Egyptian pounds ($29,986,200) from Qatar and 114,493,643 Egyptian pounds ($18,895,100) from Kuwait.