Islamabad: Pakistani parliament Tuesday demanded “exemplary punishment” to culprits involved in last week’s horrific murder of a liberal student accused of blasphemy by a mob on the campus of a university in the city of Mardan in northwestern Khyber Pakthtunkhwa {KP) province.

The Mardan police submitted a report to the Supreme Court in Islamabad earlier in the day about the April 13 killing of 23-year old Mashal Khan by a vigilante at the Wali Khan University.

Popular politician Imran Khan, whose Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party rules the province, chief Imran Khan told a press conference alongside Mashal Khan’s father that it has become clear during the ongoing investigation the deceased never committed blasphemy.

Mashal Khan was “framed in a conspiracy and murdered,” Imran Khan said, adding that “I want to assure his parents that I will ensure justice for his death”.

“Whoever planned his murder and whoever participated in it will be punished and made an example of for future generations,” the PTI chief said. “Even if the culprits are found to be from the PTI, they will be punished.” “We will make sure no one ever misuses the blasphemy law again.”

Through a resolution passed unanimously, the National Assembly denounced the heinous crime of killing someone in the name of blasphemy and called for incorporating certain safeguards in the blasphemy law to avoid recurrence of such incidents.

Strict action

“This House unanimously condemns the barbaric and cold-blooded murder of Mashal Khan and resolves to ensure that strong safeguards may be inserted into Blasphemy Law to prevent its abuse,” said resolution moved a federal minister.

“This House strongly demands of the federal and provincial governments to take strict action, in accordance with law, against the perpetrators and facilitators of this heinous crime, including those making hate speeches,” the resolution stated.

A new video circulating on Tuesday contains footage of scenes following the Mardan university lynching and shows a man demanding that a group of students take an oath to conceal the identity of the man who shot Mashal Khan.

In the video, a man who appeared to be the ringleader is heard proclaiming that anyone who names the shooter will be considered “a blasphemer”.

During the mob violence at the university campus another student, Abdullah was reportedly severely beaten before police managed to rescue him.

The report submitted before the Supreme Court included the testimony of Abdullah in which he alleged that some university officials were also involved in Mashal’s murder.

When Mardan Deputy Superintendent of Police Haider Khan arrived at the university campus, Abdullah who was also accused of blasphemy was being attacked and the police rescued him, the report said.

Chief of KP-based Awami National Party, Asfandyar Wali Khan in a statement said: “No culprit, no matter who he is, should be spared. Even if my son is involved in Mashal Khan’s murder, he must be hanged.”