Islamabad: In an interview shown yesterday on state-run Pakistan television following his dramatic arrest, Red Mosque chief cleric Maulana Abdul Aziz remorselessly defended his violent unlawful campaign as a struggle to enforce an Islamic system.

"We believe what we did constitutes jihad, which is the duty of every Muslim," Abdul Aziz told the interviewer, who promptly asked if kidnappings, taking the law into one's hands, stockpiling arms in a mosque and threatening suicide attacks was justified in the name of religion.

The 50-year-old cleric, who faces criminal prosecution, wore the burqa in which he was caught while trying to slip out of the besieged mosque compound with a group of women late on Wednesday.

"We have no personal agenda. An Islamic system is our aim and we wanted to mount pressure on the government for the fulfilment of that objective."

Short and slim, with a long grey beard, the Maulana uncovered his face by lifting the headpiece of the veil after being asked to do so.

He spoke with ease and even smiled occasionally as paramilitary troops and police backed by the army were trying to flush out hardcore supporters led by his brother Abdul Rashid Gazi.

The cleric shrugged off criticism of his attempt to slip out disguised as a woman. "I will not call it escape. Religion allows to quietly leave in hiding in such circumstances and what I did was meant to save lives, because had I stayed, students would sacrifice their lives for me."

Abdul Aziz admitted his wife, who was in charge of the Jamia Hafsa seminary, had told female students that it was "time for jihad" and that "they should not leave."

Your comments

Abdul Aziz is no maulana. He is no Muslim. He is only spoiling the name of Islam.
Posted: July 06, 2007, 12:44

The meaning of Jihad, even Maulana sahib does not know. How he can teach his students? He is teaching them how to hate every other human being on earth, who is a creation of God. They wanted to make a scene to get world attention and they are successful but no one I think has sympathies with them.
Posted: July 06, 2007, 12:35

Shame on people who spoil the name of Muslims. Ask him the meaning of Islam. Teach him that Islam simply means Peace and whatever he has done will only bring violence and is against Islam.
Posted: July 06, 2007, 12:00

Maulana Aziz and his brother Abdul Rashid Gazi are playing with the religious emotions of the young students of madrasa. Where did they get the weapons and rockets? Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance and do not teach to take lives of innocent people. May god give them the wisdom to practice the true soul of Islam. Maulana Aziz first brain washed the students to take guns against state, then he escaped shamefully from mosque in a veil. A majority of the young students are not with him that is why they have surrendered but the hard liners are still a threat to the name of Islam and Pakistan. May god bless every one.
Posted: July 06, 2007, 11:31

The very purpose of education is to ensure peace and harmony among people around us; not to induce violence at any form or cost. Being a scholar, he should not comment like this. I hope if he suffers from having his own kith and kin become victims of such violence, it may teach him a further lesson. May God keep him in good thoughts about humanity.
Posted: July 06, 2007, 10:44

Mr. Ghazi should be free to practice what he feels is correct. By the same token he should allow others freedom to practice what they think is correct. In both cases there are certain limitations applicable equally to all people. In the interest of sanity and peace, these limitations must be accepted by all. Mr. Ghazi can, within these limits, preach or canvass his convictions. Let those who believe in him join him. So long as the set common limits are not transgressed there is no harm. The problem with Mr. Ghazi and others of his ilk is that they think they know everything that needs to be known and the rest are morons. This is a psychological sickness and needs scientific treatment, if need be in a mental asylum.
Abu Dhabi,UAE
Posted: July 06, 2007, 10:30

It's them who are spoiling the name of Muslims. If they asked their students not to leave, why were they creeping out of the mosque?
Posted: July 06, 2007, 09:33

In spite of going for Jihad Maulana should educate people what is meant by religion. He should teach his people and the people in Pakistan to live the way god has taught through his messengers and his book. Whoever governs the country, Islamic or un-Islamic, in front of the god it's one who has followed his path will be the successful.
Posted: July 06, 2007, 09:07

What kind of person asks children to embrace martyrdom, then dresses in a burqa and tries to escape, is caught and then blames his wife for motivating the children and continues to justify violence? Abdul Aziz is no Maulana or religious leader. To call him a human being would be stretching it.
Chicago, IL,USA
Posted: July 06, 2007, 08:33