Abu Dhabi: Abu Dhabi Police launched an awareness campaign targeting youths and unsafe use of quad bikes and motorcycles.

The campaign aims to reduce accidents and mortality rate due to unlicensed driving of quad bikes and motorcycles.

Major General Mohammad Al Menhali, Director-General of the Abu Dhabi police operations, has underlined the importance of fostering an awareness among youths to prevent the unsafe use of motorcycles.

He said, "Reducing the rate of both mortality and injuries is among our top priorities and considered an important component of the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters' strategic objectives."

Riding motorcycles requires an operating licence in Abu Dhabi. The purpose of the licence is to ensure that drivers understand and follow safety regulations and traffic laws. Driving without a licence is a violation punishable by law.

Al Menhali warned quad bike shops to step-up their monitoring of selling and renting quad bikes to unlicenced drivers or face steep penalties.

Al Menhali also warned young people against irresponsible practices while driving motorcycles, and said the police were keeping an eye on the use of motorcycles. Violators will receive fines and possibly jail term for illegally operating motorcycles without proper licensing.

"This campaign will unveil statistics containing the number of motorcycles in comparison with the number of motorcycles driving license alongside with the total motorcycles' accidents toll across the emirate of Abu Dhabi.

He also called for parents' cooperation with the police to ensure that safety of their own children.