Preeya Malik, US Licensed Lawyer and Managing Director, Step Global Image Credit: Supplied

Step Global is a consultancy firm comprising a network of globally licensed lawyers and immigration specialists who provide active guidance through the entire immigration process. It is a single point of contact between all parties involved to ensure the most optimal chances for approval of your application for migration.

Step Global represents immigration programmes from only the best countries worldwide as viewed by the economic index, educational value, and diversity rankings. Its team can assist in finding the migration programme and country that best fits for you and your family. Step Global is focused on your future.

Step Global has operated in the North American immigration space for over 10 years. It has a large network of world-renowned industry leaders who work with its team in assisting clients through the immigration process. It is interesting to see the amount of curiosity which comes out of this region for migration to the United States and Canada.

The US has long been one of the easiest countries to migrate to for those who are willing to invest $900,000 (previously $500,000) for a period of years. Other avenues of immigration to the US prove to be quite difficult unless one has secured employment with a sponsoring employer. With this investment and a clean source of funds, a family would be guaranteed permanent residency with a path to citizenship.

Canada has taken a different, more active approach to immigration. While the investment amount is much lower (starting at 150,000 Canadian dollars), an investor sets up an active business, which they will operate or assist in operating, to obtain permanent residency and a path to citizenship.

Whichever country one desires for migration, there are more options now than ever before. Step Global can help secure those options for anyone who wishes to plan a future for themselves and their families.