Dubai: The Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Medical Sciences on Thursday announced the names of individuals and institutions who have excelled in the medical industry.

Now in its 8th term, the Hamdan Award decided to focus on drug discovery, targeted therapy, cell therapy and vaccines given the Ebola and Mers scourge.

The winners will be awarded by Shaikh Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, in a special ceremony on December 15.

Dr Najib Al Khaja, the secretary general of the Award said the winners have been chosen as a result of their outstanding achievements and findings and the total value of the prize, Dh2.8 million, will go towards medical research and for supporting conferences.

Speaking about the topic chosen this year he said: “Drug discovery plays a major role in combating diseases this is why the topic of this year was focused on drug discovery and vaccines. It’s interesting to see all these winners because it gives a real chance for those pioneers to explore Dubai and for our doctors to listen to them,” he said.

Al Khaja added Shaikh Hamdan Award for Medical Sciences which was established 16 years ago, has been top ranked internationally “placing UAE on the map of the medical field.”

“It is supporting our doctors to think and do research differently and also supporting institutions in the UAE to start research in these fields,” he said.

According to Al Khaja, the participation was big this year and the competition was tough, but he said “through all impartial and transparent means along with a panel of international arbitrators, the jury had selected those who have excelled in their discoveries.”

The award was divided into three main categories which included the International Awards, the Arab World Awards, and the UAE Awards. Under each main category were other categories such as the award for drug discovery, research excellence, volunteers in humanitarian medical services and others.

Al Khaja also announced that in conjunction with the award ceremony, there will be an International Conference for Medical Sciences taking place from December 15 to 17 discussing the main topics of the award where the speakers and winners will share their knowledge and discoveries in medicine.