Al Quoz Community Market: Dubai’s best-kept secret Video Credit: Gulf News

Nestled in the heart of Dubai’s Al Quoz district, there exists a hidden gem known as the Community Happiness Market. It was a place where workers from different parts of the city converge to shop, play, and eat, bringing life and energy to the marketplace.

This vibrant market is not only known for its affordable prices but also for the sense of community it has fostered among the diverse group of individuals who frequent it.

The Community Market came into existence last year as a joint effort between the Dubai Police General Command and Dubai Municipality. Its purpose was to regulate and supervise unlicensed flea markets across labourers’ accommodation areas, ensuring fair practices and providing a safe space for everyone to enjoy.

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As one delves into the market’s bustling streets, a plethora of enticing deals await. There are fresh food stalls offering low-cost meals and discounted groceries that fit within the tightest of budgets.

A vendor proudly exclaims, “Try our mouthwatering Dh5-burger! It’s an absolute steal!” Another seller, with a warm smile, showcased a crate of milk fish, “Fresh milk fish, only Dh8 per kilo! Take it home, fry it, and thank me later.”

Moving along, one can spot stalls adorned with vibrant, fresh produce like cauliflower, lemons, eggplants, and more. “Cauliflower for Dh2 per kilo!” exclaimed a vendor. Nearby, the aroma of fragrant spices wafted through the air as a seller prepared plates of fresh fruit chaat, offering it for just Dh1 per plate. “Cheapest in Dubai, my friend! Enjoy the flavours!” he called out.

Experience freshness at the Community Market: Dive into the delight of Milk Fish for just Dh8 per kilo.

Sound of joyous banter

Picture this: a bustling corner of Dubai where the aroma of spices and the sound of joyous banter fill the air. I met Ahmed, a jovial juice seller, originally from Chakwal in Pakistan, who stands proudly by his stall adorned with colourful bottles of juice.

Ahmed’s family back in Pakistan has been in the business of selling sugar cane juice for generations. Now, in the heart of the Al Quoz community, he continues this family juice tradition with his refreshing concoctions.

“Try a glass of my famous jaam-e-sheeren,” Ahmed beckons with a warm smile. “Back home, my family would sit under the shade of towering sugar cane fields, extracting the sweet nectar to create the most refreshing elixir. And now, here in Al Quoz, I bring you a taste of our heritage.”

As the day unfolds, Ahmed’s stall becomes a gathering spot for workers seeking respite from the summer heat. Customers from various nationalities line up, their faces beaming with anticipation. Sankar, an Indian worker who visits the market regularly, shares his excitement. “Ahmed’s juice takes me back home. It’s like a sip of nostalgia in a glass. I can’t get enough of it!”

There are long lines at Ahmed's refreshing stall: Only Dh 1 per glass.

In the Al Quoz Community Market you can find people of Indian, Bangladeshi, Nepali, Sri Lankan, and East African origin all gathered around Ahmed’s stall, united in their love for his exquisite jaam-e-sheeren. “This juice reminds me of my childhood in Bangladesh,” says Rani, a Bangladeshi worker. “It’s a taste that brings us all together.”

The joy of connection

As the evening descends, the market transforms into a lively hub. Sellers of different nationalities shout out their enticing offers, creating a symphony of bargains. The air is filled with laughter and stories exchanged between buyers and sellers. “Dh1 for 5 lemons! Can’t find a better deal in Dubai!” exclaims Ali, a Pakistani fruit seller.

Meanwhile, the scent of aromatic spices wafts from the nearby food stalls. “Step right up! Biryani for Dh6 per plate!” calls out Rajesh, a food vendor. His delectable dishes attract a multitude of hungry customers seeking a taste of home. “It’s like a feast for the senses,” remarks Suresh, an Indian worker.

Shoppers can savor the diverse flavors of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, East Africa, and other countries at the Al Quoz Community Market

The Community Market is not just a place for shopping and nourishment; it is a melting pot of cultures, a microcosm of the world itself. Here, friendships are forged, stories are shared, and happiness is abundant.

As the night settles in, Ahmed looks around at the lively scene, grateful for the opportunity to share a piece of his heritage with the diverse community that surrounds him. “In this market, we may come from different places, but our love for good food, great bargains, and the joy of connection unites us all,” he reflects with a sense of pride.

Colourful stalls, smiling faces

The market is not just a place for nourishment; it also caters to various other needs. A series of stalls offer a wide range of discounted merchandise, from marked-down T-shirts and trousers to invitation-priced perfumes.

Explore a world of variety: There are stalls offering perfumes, trinkets, and more

A short, portly gentleman Mohammed Aarul, originally from Bangladesh, proudly displays his perfume bottles and exclaimed, “This is my flower garden! Here, you can find perfumes ranging from Dh4 to Dh10. Take a whiff, and you’ll feel like royalty!”

Beyond the daily essentials, the market also serves as a hub for workers seeking gifts for their loved ones back home.

The stalls offer a variety of options, all at a staggering 70% discount from their regular market price. Whether it is footwear, sunglasses, watches, blankets, or electronic goods like mobile phones and accessories, the Al Quoz Community Market has it all.

Discover blankets, clothes, and accessories at throw away prices

Amid the vibrant atmosphere, one cannot help witness the camaraderie and joy shared among the buyers and sellers, transcending cultural and national boundaries. It is a place where stories are exchanged and moments of happiness cherished over the aroma of barbecue wafting through the air.

In this unique corner of Dubai, where diverse cultures converge, the Al Quoz Community Market stands as a testament to the power of togetherness and the celebration of shared happiness.

Unbeatable deals
*Dh5-burger and fresh milk fish at Dh8 per kilo.
*Fresh fruit chaat for Dh1 per plate.
*Biryani for Dh6 per plate and a variety of discounted merchandise.
*Perfumes ranging from Dh4 to Dh10.
*70% discount on footwear, sunglasses, watches, blankets, mobile phones, and accessories.