
Two Emirati suspects have been arrested in connection with the murder of a taxi driver who was stabbed multiple times in a remote Fujairah area, a top police official said.

Brigadier Mohammad Ahmad Bin Ganem Al Kaabi, Commander-in-Chief of Fujairah Police, said the two arrested are young jobless UAE nationals — identified as M.H.A, 21, and S.A.M., 20 – who were arrested a few days after the murder.

Police investigations revealed that the duo used to stay in hotels and stop taxi drivers to rob them of possessions like mobile phones and cash.

According to official sources, they stopped the 30-year-old at the Al Shataa Hotel around 8.30pm on December 21 and asked him to drop them in the Masafi area. They asked the driver to take a sandy route where, police say, no one could see them committing the crime.

They reached Al Yabsa area behind Farooj Al Wadi factory and asked the driver to hand over his possessions.

Both suspects confessed to the crime, revealing to police that S.A.M held the cabbie while M.H.A stabbed him with a knife several times. When the driver resisted, M.H.A continued stabbing him.

The duo stole his wallet containing Dh700 and his mobile phone.