Dubai: Two men denied forging a flying permit which was used by a pilot who was spotted flying at a low altitude over the Dubai Police chief's house in Jumeirah.

Prosecutors accused a 48-year-old British professor and a 43-year-old Hungarian salesman with forging an Emirates Aviation Association (EAA) flying permit and handing it to the British pilot to use it.

The suspects, 48-year-old J.W. and 43-year-old L.T., appeared before the Dubai Court of First Instance where they pleaded not guilty and firmly denied forging the EAA flying permit and using it.

"No… not guilty," said J.W. and L.T. when they pleaded innocent before Presiding Judge Fahmi Mounir in Courtroom Four.

According to the charges, prosecutors accused the suspects of forging the flying permit and handing it to the pilot, J.C.

Earlier verdict

Earlier this year, the Dubai Misdemeanours Court fined J.C. Dh3,000 for flying without a permit.

A police officer, while on patrol in front of the Lieutenant-General Dahi Khalfan's house, spotted the low-flying plane.

J.C., J.W. and L.T. were acquitted by the Misdemeanours Court of forging the EAA permit and using it in February.

Prosecutors appealed the primary verdict [of the Misdemeanours Court] before the Appeals Court. The latter referred the case to prosecutors for a re-investigation on the grounds of forgery.