Tramadol is a narcotic-like pain reliever. A motorist will be jailed for three months and later deported for involving in an accident and injuring his fellow passenger while driving under the influence of mind-altering substance Tramadol Image Credit: Supplied photo

Dubai: A motorist will be jailed for three months and later deported for involving in an accident and injuring his fellow passenger while driving under the influence of mind-altering substance Tramadol.

Presiding Judge Mohammad Al Batal said the accused, Arab national S.M., 19, will be deported following the completion of his jail term.

Senior Chief Prosecutor Salah Bu Farousha, Head of Dubai Traffic Public Prosecution, said: "We asked for the implementation of the toughest punishment applicable against the defendant due to the gravity of his crime. Traffic prosecutors charged him with consuming Tramadol [without medical prescription], driving his vehicle under the influence of a mind-altering substance, causing an accident and injuring a person. We asked the Traffic Court to implement article 63 of the anti-narcotics law of 1995."

Bu Farousha said article 63 stipulates that a suspect, who is convicted of violating the anti-narcotics law, faces deportation.

Traffic prosecution records said the accused lost control over his vehicle and veered off the lane while driving his car under the influence of Tramadol on a street in Al Muhaisnah Area. The accused rammed into another vehicle and injured the passenger who accompanied him.

"The technical committee's report and Dubai Police's forensic report confirmed the defendant's liability. He tested positive for Tramadol. Prosecutors further accused him of inattentive driving and wrecking two vehicles. We asked the Traffic Court to try S.M. as per the traffic law and the anti-narcotics law. The court must have granted him a lenient imprisonment due to his young age [under 21 years]," explained Bu Farousha.

Under the influence

In light of this case, Bu Farousha announced yesterday that TPP has questioned five suspects for driving their cars under the influence of drugs or mind-altering substances in January this year.

He called on motorists and road users to abide by traffic laws and drive safely.

The primary judgment remains subject to appeal.

"Traffic prosecution has not yet decided whether to appeal the primary judgement or not. I am still reviewing the reasons behind that judgement and thereafter I will decide whether to appeal. According to the judgement sheet, the court was fully convinced with our accusations, which we based mainly on the technical reports, witnesses' statements and the investigations of Al Qusais Police Station and traffic prosecutors," concluded Bu Farousha.