Nine Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies from a litter of 17, look out of their box in Nauen, 50 kilometres outside Berlin on Monday. Image Credit: AP

Abu Dhabi: In an effort to maintain the public health and the urbanised aesthetic appearance of Abu Dhabi city, the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City has banned the entry of all types of dogs to swimming beaches, swimming pools, closed or open family parks, shopping centers, restaurants and the like.

The municipality called on all owners and custodians of companion dogs and pets to adhere to the stipulations of public health and hygiene while hiking with their dogs and strolling them at public areas, roads, gardens, and sidewalks. It also called upon them to remove dogs' waste, place it in tightly closed plastic bags and throw it in the nearest rubbish bin. The failure to take such course of action will invoke legal questioning.

The Director of Public Health Khalifa Mohammad Al Rumaithi said: "The Municipality of Abu Dhabi City will soon roll on an awareness campaign urging owners and custodians of companion dogs to comply with the health and safety guidelines and maintain tight control of dogs. In particular it cautioned them against leaving dogs at large without reining them as such a practice poses a risk to dogs themselves through being exposed to traffic accidents upon crossing of roads, as well as to road users."

"The Municipality will soon promulgate the rules & regulations organizing the ownership and housing of pets, and enforce a compulsory immunization & numbering system of pets, including cats, through microchips system. The Municipality will, at a later stage, designate certain areas at parks for picnicking and strolling dogs; addressing all requirements of safety and prevention of cruelty to animals", he added.