migrants US asylum
Migrants wait to be processed after crossing the border near Yuma, Arizona. Image Credit: AP

The tragic Baltimore bridge disaster, where eight immigrant workers were filling potholes on the Francis Scott Key Bridge when it collapsed after being struck by a barge. Six workers died, and two survived. They were from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. The incident has brought attention to the risky and essential work that immigrants perform.

Despite the tragedy, immigration remains a contentious issue in America, with some advocating for a more compassionate approach to policy debates in light of the disaster. The incident prompts discussions on the significance of immigrants’ contributions to the workforce and society. There is no doubt that immigrants will also play a vital role in rebuilding the bridge, symbolising their contribution to realising the American dream.

Not only in the US, but far-right groups worldwide have also played a deeply troubling role in exacerbating immigration as a contentious issue by promoting xenophobia, disseminating misinformation, gaining political influence, and resorting to acts of violence and intimidation. Their actions have fuelled polarisation and division within societies, making it increasingly challenging to find constructive solutions to the complex challenges posed by immigration.

Many right-wing groups promote an exclusionary form of nationalism. They advocate for closed borders and strict immigration controls as a means of preserving the ethnic and cultural homogeneity of the nation. Far-right parties and movements have gained political influence in several countries by capitalising on anti-immigrant sentiment.

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Despite it has become an extremely contentious issue, it’s important to acknowledge the myriad ways in which immigration has enriched communities, economies, and cultures. Immigration, throughout history, has been a driving force for positive change and progress in societies around the world.

Immigration has been instrumental in fostering cultural diversity and enrichment. Immigrants bring with them unique customs, traditions, languages, and perspectives that contribute to the cultural tapestry of their host countries. The exchange of ideas and traditions leads to cultural innovation and creativity, enhancing the vibrancy and richness of society. From cuisine and music to art and literature, immigrants have made invaluable contributions to the cultural landscape, enriching the lives of both natives and newcomers alike.

Moreover, immigration has served as a significant catalyst for economic growth and dynamism. Immigrants frequently bridge critical gaps in the labour market, assuming roles that locals may be unwilling or unable to undertake. They bring diverse skill sets, talents, and an entrepreneurial mindset, which propel innovation, productivity, and competitiveness.

In the satirical 2004 mockumentary “A Day Without a Mexican” by filmmaker Sergio Arau, Californians are abruptly confronted with a surreal reality: overnight, all Mexican immigrants in the state disappear without a trace. This cinematic scenario starkly illustrates the indispensable role that Mexican immigrants play in the Californian economy and everyday life.

Read more by Prof Ashok Swain

Fostering opportunities

Numerous successful businesses and industries attribute their success to the contributions of immigrant workers, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Moreover, immigrants bolster economic growth through consumer spending, tax contributions, and entrepreneurial endeavours, thereby stimulating economic activity and fostering opportunities for all.

Amid the tumultuous era of the Covid-19 pandemic, a beacon of hope emerged in the form of BioNTech’s groundbreaking RNA-based vaccine. This scientific breakthrough was developed by a Turkish-German duo, whose ancestral heritage is intertwined with the diverse fabric of immigration history in 1960s Germany.

Furthermore, immigration has played a crucial role in demographic rejuvenation and population growth. In ageing societies experiencing declining birth rates, immigration serves as a vital source of replenishment for the labour force with younger individuals and contributes to demographic diversity.

Fertility rates in the global North have dropped below replacement levels since around 1980, resulting in population declines and ageing populations. Immigration has become indispensable for population growth in these regions, with net immigration being the primary driver of population increases since 1990.

Immigrants often bring with them the ambition and drive to succeed, revitalising communities and injecting new energy into the workforce. Their contributions help sustain social welfare systems, support pension programs, and ensure the long-term sustainability of economies.

In addition to cultural enrichment, economic growth, and demographic rejuvenation, immigration fosters social cohesion and understanding. By bringing together people from diverse backgrounds and fostering interactions between different ethnic, religious, and cultural groups, immigration promotes tolerance, empathy, and mutual respect.

Immigration challenges stereotypes, breaks down barriers, and fosters a sense of solidarity and shared humanity. Through dialogue, cooperation, and cross-cultural exchange, immigrants and natives alike can learn from one another, building stronger, more inclusive communities.

Furthermore, immigration has been instrumental in addressing humanitarian crises and providing refuge to those fleeing persecution, violence, and conflict. By offering sanctuary and protection to refugees and asylum seekers, countries uphold fundamental principles of human rights, compassion, and solidarity. Immigrants who have sought refuge often go on to make significant contributions to their host societies, enriching them with their resilience, determination, and talents.

In conclusion, regardless of the assertions or portrayals by right-wing groups, immigration has undeniably made positive contributions to societies worldwide in numerous ways. It has enriched cultures, propelled economic growth, nurtured social cohesion, and offered refuge to those in need.

Can anyone envision an America or Australia devoid of immigrants? While it’s crucial to confront the challenges and intricacies linked with immigration, it’s equally imperative to acknowledge and applaud its numerous advantages. By embracing diversity, advocating for inclusion, and fostering cooperation, societies can unleash the full potential of immigration for the common good.