TAB STARS capricorn 122-1577023220440


Aries March 20 – April 19

Having tried to find a quick fix for certain tedious issues, you’re beginning to realise they’re more complicated than you anticipated. The last thing you want is to adopt a slow pace. However, it will accommodate the need to focus on those details. Take that approach, and you’ll deal with these once, and wisely.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Just a few days ago, your ruler Venus moved to accent the structure of your life, beginning a period of review, then change. While you’ll already have certain ideas or options in mind, be prepared to explore others. What appears from out of nowhere could turn out to be best in the long run.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

On 9 December 2019, your ruler Mercury moved into Sagittarius and to accent close alliances, both personal and business. Not only was there a lot to discuss anyway, recent changes have forced several unspoken matters out into the open. Challenging as these seem, having them dealt with will be a relief.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

While you can’t plan for the shifts likely to be triggered by the Cancer eclipsed Full Moon on 10 January, you can note the changes that accompany the current eclipsed New Moon, on the 26th. Both of these are about saying farewell to what’s as familiar as it is restrictive, and preparing for breakthroughs.

Leo July 23 – August 22

The move by your ruler the Sun to accent practical matters may not make it sound as if you’re in for excitement. However, with Thursday’s powerful eclipsed New Moon triggering breakthroughs, life is unlikely to be dull. If anything, your biggest challenge will be keeping track of the exciting events coming your way.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Yet again, somebody is eager to plunge into an arrangement, based on a brief discussion and their instincts. While occasionally, even you have trusted feelings of this nature, you’d at least check out the practical side of things. Suggest the individual in question take that approach. It’s more complicated, but better in the long run.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Having talked through certain issues in depth a week or so ago, you assumed that finally, these could be regarded as part of the past. While, for a few days, that was the case, suddenly several elements have popped up again. This isn’t about reviewing it all, just dealing with a few loose ends.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Ordinarily, you’d rather plan ahead and make any necessary adjustments as the need arises. Still, even you could be unsure how to respond to the unsettling yet thrilling events triggered by this week’s exciting planetary activity. At minimum, explore everything. The more you learn, the wiser your decisions will be.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Being a quick-thinking and fast-moving fire sign, you get a variety of high from tackling one thing, then moving onto whatever is next. However, as you well know, certain individuals struggle with this, and some complain or even worry. Tempting as it is to ignore them, gently but firmly explain that’s how you are.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Not only has the Sun just moved into your sign, shifting your focus on your own life, activities and passions, the Capricorn eclipsed New Moon, later this week, promises to bring insights about existing arrangements and trigger dramatic changes. Knowing that, take each day as it comes. Long term plans? They can wait.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

A few days ago, the planet Venus, which accents both your financial resources and the most pivotal links on your life moved into Aquarius. Not only will this shift your focus to such matters, what you learn, discuss and discover could lead to improvements that, quite frankly, wouldn’t otherwise have occurred to you.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Tempting as it is to forget about the past few days’ seemingly minor differences, you’re urged to discuss and deal with each, and soon. Once you begin, you’ll realise some aren’t that minor after all. What’s more, as you move into this complex week, you’ll be relieved they’re no longer on your mind.


There’ve been several times in the past when you’ve either sidestepped certain potentially tricky matters or, alternatively, said only what needed to be said, no more. However, your birthday chart indicates the time has come to both deal with those past events but, even more, here and now issues. Worrying, if not complicated, as these seem, the facts are bound to surface anyway. Knowing that, take things slowly, but discuss them in depth. While difficult if not challenging, it will clear up numerous issues for good.


Aries March 20 – April 19

With the Sun just having joined the powerful Pluto and expansive Jupiter, in accenting the structure of your life, exciting ideas are in the air. While some may be no more than that, ideas, at the moment, the odds are good they’ll turn into reality, and far more swiftly than you’d have imaged possible.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

The fact is, you simply can’t make certain exciting changes without causing some degree of disarray. The secret is to discuss both these ideas and their benefits from the outset. Say nothing and everybody will worry. However, once others have a clear understanding what would be involved, they’ll exchange their concerns for enthusiasm.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

When you talked through certain important, and far-reaching, plans you tried to ensure everything had been dealt with. While that was the case at the time, the actual circumstances have shifted, more than you imagined possible. Disentangling these can be done, but means you’ve no choice but to do a lot of juggling.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

It’s rare that you’ll allow yourself to get drawn into a dispute about matters that are more about minor differences than anything of significant. However, that’s exactly what happened, and you’re concerned about having ruffled others’ feathers. You might have. If so, it was timely, as will be the following discussions.

Leo July 23 – August 22

This encounter between your ruler the Sun and the planet Uranus, which is all about breakthroughs, is unlikely to be dull. Still, despite the excitement, you’re urged to discuss the practical side of ideas or offers from the outset. Do this now, and you ensure you’ll avoid unwelcome surprises later.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

In early December, your ruler Mercury moved to accent certain persistent domestic matters. While you’ve discussed numerous options, and those discussions have been easygoing, actually deciding what to do next has proved to be a far more complicated matter. Although you’re not feeling patient, it’s your only real option.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Long ago you realised that certain individuals aren’t happy unless they’ve had to battle to achieve their goals, whatever their nature. Still, it’s difficult for you to resist making suggestions that would streamline the process. Do so if you must. But be aware that the odds are good you’ll be ignored.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

You’ve become an expert at dealing with change, mostly because you’ll either do all you can to avoid it or, if that’s not possible, you’ll find ways to shape plans to suit your thinking. Judging by the current swift pace, this isn’t possible. Go with the flow. You’ll be glad you did.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Planning ahead may be wise and a virtue. But judging by the thrilling events promised by the Sun’s encounter with your ruler Jupiter on Friday, whatever is good now is likely to get better, in fact, a lot better. Knowing that, ensure whatever you organise or are thinking about is flexible.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

While Thursday’s eclipsed New Moon ushers in fresh insights about all sorts of arrangements and issues, the fact it’s in Capricorn means you’ll have lots to think about. Some of what arises will be immediately clear, and lead to timely breakthroughs. However, understanding other ideas or events will require time and serious patience.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

On 16 December, the fortunate Jupiter formed a rare and powerful link with your ruler Uranus. While, on one hand, this accented the past year’s amazing ideas, offers and changes, it’s also ushering in a period of intriguing discussion, if not offers. For now, explore everything. Decisions can and should wait.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Usually you’ve a talent for dealing with even very tricky matters without ruffling anybody’s feathers. But now, ironically, it’s the reverse. Certain issues need to be discussed openly, defined in clear terms, then dealt with. While challenging at the time, knowing these are settled will be a huge relief for everybody.


As a Capricorn, you’ve always understood that living the life you want meant focusing on your goals, then working to make them happen. And while you’re right to take pride in the life you’ve created, this birthday is about breaking away from familiar, sensible or, possibly ‘safe’ activities and embracing changes. The powerful link between the Sun and Uranus indicates breakthroughs of many kinds, and that destiny’s on your side. The challenge? Taking chances on the new, exotic or unexpected. The rest will be easy.


Aries March 20 – April 19

With the first of the current pair of eclipses shaking up elements of the structure of your life, even simple plans are likely to change. Tempting as it is to deal with these now, and once and for all, it’s worth bearing in mind there’ll be a second, as powerful, eclipse on 10 January.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

For ages you’ve known you’d have to reorganise certain elements of your life, if not make some major changes. However, thus far, you’ve managed to sidestep these. Actually, you’d be well advised to get involved, both exploring your options and beginning to make decisions. You’ll soon realise how wise it was.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

One of your greatest assets during times that are both unsettling and when you’re facing rapid changes is your sense of humour. It enables you to laugh at even seemingly impossible dilemmas. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, pause and reconnect with the side of you that finds humour in anything. It will do wonders.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

At the moment, the current powerful link between the Sun and the fortunate Jupiter suggests luck is likely to appear, and in a range of forms. While you may have some in mind, explore everything. What initially is both least expected and least promising could turn out to be best in the long run.

Leo July 23 – August 22

Being a fire sign, you dislike it when those who focus more on life’s practicalities prevent you from pursuing something exciting. Yet now it’s you who’s being cautious. While that’s understandable, with so much moving so swiftly, you’re better off ensuring everybody regards arrangements as flexible. This approach avoids clashes over sudden changes.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

From your perspective, the current New Moon is perfectly timed. Not only that, because it’s an eclipse, it isn’t just about a fresh take on things but indicates breakthroughs. Knowing that, ensure you explore absolutely everything, since what’s least expected could work out perfectly, at least in the long run.

Libra September 23 – October 22

It’s not that you’ve been secretive about certain potentially troublesome issues. It’s that you genuinely didn’t realise they could easily turn into a drama. Now that they have, don’t try to shoulder the responsibility for handling it all yourself. This isn’t yours to deal with. The sooner you get others involved, the better.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Eclipses are about breakthroughs. Consequently, because the current eclipse is linked with a second eclipse, on 10 January, you’re better off allowing things to unfold until then, when the direction and nature of the changes involved will be clearer. For now, consider what it’s time to change, if not let go of.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

The last thing you’re in the mood to do is take existing plans back to the drawing board, especially because this means you’ll have to wrestle with tricky details yet again. Ironically, this is perfect timing. What you learn won’t just be helpful, those insights could lead to breakthroughs as welcome as they are unexpected.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

As a precise, thorough yet decisive Capricorn, being in a position to finalise a plan or make a lasting arrangement is hugely satisfying. Yet now you’re urged to avoid that, and ensure whatever you organise is flexible. You’ll soon realise why this isn’t just wise but, within days, will be your only option.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

It’s rare that anything or, in fact, anybody surprises you. Not only do you notice what others are up to, your capacity to spot pivotal developments in the world around you is second to none. Still, even you could be surprised by the coming days’ events. Explore absolutely everything. You’ll soon learn why.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Taking a tough stance with somebody who’s tricky on the best of days won’t be fun. However, it’s becoming increasingly impossible to live with their temperamental ups and downs. The fact is, you know what needs to be said. You’re just dreading the confrontation. Once it’s over, it will be a huge relief.


While you take some changes in your stride, you invest a great deal of time, thought, analysis and discussion in others. In fact, although you’ve made some, you’re still debating the wisdom of committing to these. The time has come to sidestep this process and plunge in. Unwise, if not worrying, as this seems, you’ll immediately feel a new freedom and zest for life. That’s because you’re shifting from allowing analysis to dominate your life and, instead, are living in the moment.


Aries March 20 – April 19

Ordinarily you’ve no objection to last minute changes in plan. But with so much moving so swiftly, having to rethink things yet again could be overwhelming. Instead of trying to handle it all yourself, get others involved. They’re not only well informed, they care about these matters just as much as you do.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Important as it is to keep others updated and answer their questions, at the moment it would only confuse matters. Between the changes triggered by the current eclipse and the shakeups ushered in by the second eclipse, on 10 January, changes aren’t just likely, they’re inevitable. For now, regard all plans as tentative.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

When you promised somebody you’d be there for them, it was during a period when life was far less complicated. The problem is, they’re unaware of the difficulties that are preventing you from keeping your promises. Discuss this now, and frankly. Once they understand what’s going on, it will be fine.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

Certain individuals have an instinct for what might be termed ‘golden moments’, those occasions when something magical is happening. And, however, bizarre events seem, they’ll stand back and allow them to unfold. That could be the case for you, now. At least consider the possibility. The odds are good you’ll be happily surprised.

Leo July 23 – August 22

Only days ago, plans seemed simple and straightforward. Since then, however, frequent changes in the circumstances you’re dealing with and in your own objectives have meant rethinking things, and on a daily basis. While this is unsettling, others are facing the same frequent changes, and you’ll be relieved, and are also eager to work with you.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

You could spend a good portion of the next few days trying to win over those who’ve raised questions about certain of your plans. Or, alternatively, you could proceed without even mentioning what’s next. That may seem impolite if not just plain rude. However, the fact is, it’s your best option.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Everybody enjoys learning that good fortune is on its way. Ironically, the way in which these events, ideas or offers appear may not seem promising, at least initially. Still, they’re triggered by the current link between the Sun and Jupiter, so worth exploring. What your investigations yield will both delight and surprise you.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Long ago you learnt to spot plans that aren’t just unwise, they’re almost guaranteed to lead to problems. But, obviously, not everybody is as aware of this. Still, you can’t really take action without the support of others. For now, discuss your concerns. That ensures those who could help are up to date.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

You can’t plan ahead for the unexpected. Yet certain individuals still insist on asking you why you didn’t anticipate the changes currently coming your way. Don’t even try to explain. Instead, simply smile and say you’re not sure. This will keep them happy and enable you to concentrate on what’s most important.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Certain individuals are seriously grumpy and, actually, you’re on edge, too. With so much in transition and things moving so swiftly, that’s no surprise. While getting things settled right away would relieve some of the pressure, you’d only have to rethink arrangements. Take it slowly, and you’ll do things once, and right.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Usually, you’re quick to spot new ideas. But with so much happening, and in so many areas of your life, even you will have trouble keeping up. That being the case, listen carefully to what others have noticed or are talking about. You could recognise the potential in what they regard as unimportant.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Few things are more heart-warming than watching those you care about get truly excited about an idea or plan, then do whatever is necessary to turn it into reality. Often, in the past, you’ve had to cheer them on, if not rescue them from the doldrums. Now, it’s different and, understandably, you’re thrilled.


Although every sign is influenced by the Capricorn eclipsed New Moon, it takes place on your birthday, which means you’ve reached a turning point. This is about deciding to leave elements of the past behind you, and take advantage of breakthroughs, in your life, plans and even your thinking that, only recently, you’d have dismissed. Waste no time on debate, discussion or investigating the details. These options will vanish as swiftly as they appeared. In many cases, it’s a matter of now or never.


Aries March 20 – April 19

Unsettling if not inconvenient as last minute changes in plans may be, you can’t ignore the ideas or offers currently coming your way. Rather than wrestling with these changes on your own, then get others involved, ask for their ideas from the outset. It will make life a lot easier for everybody concerned.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Ages ago you promised somebody you would always be there for them. However, you couldn’t have anticipated the changes you, and everyone else, are wrestling with. While the outcome will be welcome, this period is a bit chaotic. Explain that to the individual in question. They know what’s going on, and will understand.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

Life has been very demanding recently, which means you’ve been so busy you haven’t managed to update certain individuals on recent changes. While they may already be aware of these, it’s worth talking them through your plans and how they’ll be influenced. Do it now. The longer you wait, the more challenging it will be.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

As fond as you are of certain individuals, they have an argumentative streak that can be troublesome and, on occasion, hurtful. That could be the case now. The trick is to realise they’re reacting to their own unrecognised feelings, deep within. These have nothing to do with you. Once that’s clear, those worries will vanish.

Leo July 23 – August 22

Appealing as the phrase ‘a dream come true’ may be, at the moment it’s causing problems. While, only days ago, that’s exactly what was happening, then sudden events threw those plans into disarray. Even now, with those changes creating all sorts of shake-ups, you’re urged to regard plans as a bit of an experiment.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Everybody dreams about ideas or offers that appear from out of the blue. However, being a cautious Virgo, you could spend so much time debating the pros and cons of taking things to the next stage that they’ll go no further. Out of character as plunging in seems, it may be your best option.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Usually, the influence of alliances between planets fade soon after they’ve occurred. However, the influence of eclipses, such as the recent eclipsed New Moon, linger for weeks, months and, occasionally, years. And because this is about breakthroughs, you may finally be able to shed certain lingering, if not increasingly perplexing, issues.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Not only is planning ahead wise, as a cautious Scorpio, you’d always rather know what you’ll be dealing with now and in the future. In fact, you often regard surprises as an indication you’ve been inattentive to what’s going on around you. Still, certain of the unexpected events you’re facing are unavoidable.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

The actual link between the Sun and your ruler Jupiter takes place on the 27th, but you’ll already have benefited from its influence and you will for some days to come. The secret is to explore absolutely everything, and show interest in what appeals, but to avoid making commitments. They can, and should, wait.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

The down to earth side of your nature dislikes making plans based on what you hope will happen. Yet with things moving so swiftly and new ideas appearing nearly every day, you’re better off keeping both your thinking and whatever you arrange flexible. Take that approach, and everything else will be much easier.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

True, life is a lot easier if, as ideas, offers or events arise, you can make a decision, then move on. However, with the foundation on which these are based shifting, what’s best one day may not seem a good idea the next. That being the case, the more you discuss and explore, the better.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

The time has come to stand your ground with somebody as unreliable as they are charming. You’ve said ‘yes’ to their ideas plans or offers often enough, only to be disappointed when nothing happened. Now you’ve the option to say a frank ‘no’ or demand they show you what they can do.


On rare occasions there’s a birthday chart that’s magical, and that’s the case for you. While every Capricorn will benefit from the link between the planet of growth, expansion and good fortune, Jupiter, and the Sun, in your sign, the fact they meet on your birthday marks this as a time of breakthroughs. True, some of what arises may be sudden or so unfamiliar you feel you must ask questions or gather information. Don’t. Plunge in, knowing each day’s experiences will give you the insights necessary for the next day’s decisions.


Aries March 20 – April 19

This is one of those tricky periods during which things are moving so swiftly that nobody could keep up with everything. You’re struggling but so is everybody else. The real problem is some feel guilty, and are constantly apologising. Explain once that it’s fine, then move on. There’s no need for further discussion.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Usually the recent link between the Sun and Jupiter would have led to wonderful, if sudden, changes but, mostly, life seems chaotic. While that’s understandable, this disarray if breaking up patterns that are both timely and unsettling. For now, focus on exploration. What you learn will be amazingly informative.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

Certain complex problems have turned into somewhat of a riddle, in the sense that whenever you thought you had a solution, you realised there was more to deal with. Exasperating as this has been, when you look back on this experience, you’ll realise how much you learnt, and how useful it’s been.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

The line between a lively exchange of ideas and a genuine disagreement isn’t always clear. That, in fact, may be the issue in certain increasingly tense situations. The real problem is, the individual in question actually enjoys creating exactly this variety of stressful situation. Once you understand that, then everything else will make sense.

Leo July 23 – August 22

As a Leo and a fire sign, you don’t tend to object to last minute changes in plan. However, the twists and turns you’ve faced over the past few days have been as exhausting as they were unexpected. Despite that, you’re beginning to recognise how each added experience and insights to the plans you’re making.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Recently, you’ve faced and dealt with a range issues, mostly minor but a few of more far-reaching significance. Now that most of them have been put to rest, destiny seems to be telling you to take a break. While, often, this is exactly what you long for, actually doing it is another matter.

Libra September 23 – October 22

For ages you’ve been telling yourself that you really must take stance with one particularly tricky individual. It’s almost as if they get pleasure from upsetting others. Strange as it seems, you’re right. However, since you’re not responsible for their peculiar approach to life, you’re better off ignoring their provocative words and actions.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Being an intuitive water sign, you’ll often sense changes are coming long before there are any concrete indications they’re on their way. This is the case now. However, while your instincts may be to avoid these, it’s worth exploring them. You’ll soon begin to recognise that they’re in your best interests.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

On Sunday the ideas planet Mercury joins the Sun, and also Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, all of which are positioned in the down to earth Capricorn. While this slow-paced, intense if not obsessive approach to life doesn’t come naturally to you, what you do, learn and achieve could, quite simply, change your life.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Satisfying as finalising plans may be, you’re urged to regard even the simplest of arrangements as tentative, if not a bit of an experiment. Within a few days, you’ll know why. Changes in circumstance as sudden as they are intriguing could reveal options that, quite simply, you’d never have regarded as possibilities.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Although the Sun doesn’t actually move into Aquarius until 20 January, you’re already in the midst of rethinking some arrangements and redefining both short term plans and, as much, those that look further into the future. In every case, regard them as initial steps. By no means should you try to finalise these.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

A good idea is worth pursuing, even if those involved aren’t being especially helpful. However, be wary of investing your time, ideas and energy in getting things going, only to have others take the credit or, possibly, the cash and leave you empty-handed. Discuss the practicalities now, before you do a thing.


Thinking about and organising plans for the present and the future is one thing. Discussing them with others is another matter. The problem won’t be your ideas, which you’ll undoubtedly have thought out, but rather the oddly random questions you’re being asked. Not only is it unnecessary you answer these, many have little to do with what’s you’re planning. Consider avoiding talking about plans until your mind’s clear and it’s all organised. This could eliminate pointless concerns and allow you to proceed without doubts or dramas.


Aries March 20 – April 19

Unsettling as last minute changes in plans are, what’s coming your way is so exciting it really can’t be ignored. True, certain individuals may complain about the timing being inconvenient. But good fortune doesn’t always appear when it’s most convenient. Besides, the end result will more than justify a bit of chaos.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Once you swore there were certain changes you’d never make, mostly because you liked things the way there were. But times have moved on and so have you. Enough that you don’t even need to think about those changes. Better yet, because the moment is right, things are falling into place magically,

Gemini May 21 – June 20

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, seemingly simple plans simply refuse to come together as you hoped. Not only is that the case now, you’re being forced to venture into new territory and meet people who, otherwise, you’d never have met. This won’t just be hugely rewarding, you’ll be thankful for all those obstacles.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

There’s no denying that fortunate events are welcome. The problem is, they’re also disruptive, and if you’re to take full advantage of them, you’ll have to make some dramatic changes. However, things are moving swiftly. Still, for now, do no more than explore. This gives you a vital opportunity to think things through.

Leo July 23 – August 22

While you’ll listen to the suggestions of others and, on occasion, ask for their guidance, you’ll usually end up making decisions on your own. This once, however, you’re urged to seek the guidance of somebody who has a greater understanding of the matters in question than you do, and is willing to give you advice.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Being faced with a demand for a final decision or lasting plan can trigger all sorts of anxieties for you, as a precise Virgo. Bear in mind, however, that all others want is something that will enable them to organise certain arrangements, then move on. They don’t really expect things to be done perfectly.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Obviously, you’d rather have the support of those around you before you begin on a new, and potentially challenging, venture. Still, this is your idea and your vision, which means not everybody will fully understand how much it means to you, at least initially. Despite that, proceed. You’ll be glad you did.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

If you sense change is in the air, you’re right. After living with the influence of the fiery Mars in Scorpio since mid-November, it’s about to depart. While this ends a cycle of challenging questions and the resulting reflection, you’re just now realising how much you’ve benefited from these insights.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Usually, when asked for the facts, you’ll call on whatever information you already know, then make up the rest. Mostly, that strategy works perfectly. Now, however, not only would it be wise to seek out those facts, you’re urged to investigate them in detail. You’ll soon realise how important it is.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Few things annoy you more than those individuals who correct you when, actually, they have their facts wrong. While this happens often enough you simply ignore them, with so much changing so swiftly, at the moment they could actually be right. Do yourself a favour and check out what they have to say.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

While, obviously, you can update everybody about everything on a daily basis, it’s worth checking in with others frequently. Ordinarily, this wouldn’t be necessary and, in fact, you wouldn’t have time. But with swift changes, this isn’t just wise, those discussions will be informative, and could lead to helpful ideas or suggestions.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Every once in a while, you need to be reminded to trust your instincts. This is tricky, especially when you’ve based decisions on those feelings, yet certain unimaginative individuals demand more conventional proof. Still, if you think about it, you always know what to say, as you will now.


While, as a Capricorn, you think through both facts and your feelings, that doesn’t mean you’ll discuss them with others. In fact, you prefer to keep certain of your experiences, views and plans to yourself. However, with the communication planet Mercury actually moving into Capricorn on your birthday, the accent isn’t just on updating others but on a lively, and often enriching, exchange with those around you on what you’re doing now, and your thoughts and ideas for the future.