Naukasana, or boat pose, strengthens the digestive system. It helps tone all the organs and removes lethargy. It eliminates nervous tension and brings about deep relaxation. If one performs this asana upon waking, it immediately restores freshness in one’s body.
- Lie flat on back with palms on either side of body.
- Inhale deeply, hold breath and raise legs, arms, shoulders, head and trunk off the mat. Balance body on buttocks while keeping spine straight and arms in line with toes.
- Exhale and lower body on to the mat.
- This asana enhances blood circulation and tones the spinal nerves. It gives a good stretch to the spine.
- It not only strengthens the abdominal muscles but also helps remove excess fat in the stomach region.
- It massages the internal abdomen organs such as the kidneys and spleen.
- It stretches and tones the hamstrings.