The written word has traversed time and survived cave walls, stone tablets and papyrus. Today, books are facing their biggest threat yet — computers. Libraries may soon become redundant, in the tech-savvy 21st century. Instead of leafing through reference guides and novels, most people turn towards the internet to source information or seek knowledge. When you hear the word 'page', do you visualise a familiar website or your favourite dog-eared novel? Are books going to survive this century, or will computers overshadow their presence? Which side of the debate are you on?

It is bad for children to spend too much time on the computer as it leads to addictive behaviour.

A specific time during the day should be fixed for children to use the computer, based on their needs. Life without a computer is very difficult, even for a young child, since it has become the main medium of communication. However, parents must understand a child's need to socialise and encourage their children to spend time with their friends instead of on the computer.
-Chris Thomas

Children who treat computers as their inseparable companion lack proper social skills. They become detached, refuse to attend social functions and find it difficult to get along with others. When faced with the harsh realities of life, they tend to seek refuge in the virtual world. It makes them lose focus and concentration in studies. They fail to cultivate their interest in worthy pursuits such as reading a book.
-Anjoo S. Navin

If a child gets addicted to the computer, he or she would want to spend maximum time in front of it, which is not healthy. Additionally, you cannot take the computer everywhere you go. A book can easily be carried. However, I would encourage young children to use computers for research. It will be harder to find the same information in a bookstore or library.
-Andrea Jurcikova

The simplicity in grasping knowledge through computers can never be downplayed. When children read a book, parents can make sure that the content is good. It is important to understand that children need to use computers both for studies and entertainment. Any technological advancement has advantages and disadvantages. However, the internet should not be the only source of information. Books should complement the process of learning.
-Murugesh S.

Books are more beneficial than computers.

There is no comparison between books and computers. A computer is probably better in calculating, collecting data or typing a document, but books are responsible for the development of one's personality. Books have a long lasting effect on the reader. Additionally, using the computer for a long time is an unhealthy practice for the mind and body.
-Ahmad Eftekhar

Computers can never replace books, but they should be able to coexist alongside each other. If books were removed from classrooms altogether, how would children be able to learn how to operate a computer? Reading is not just about digesting the words on a page. It is in fact about concentration, research and the development of a child's vocabulary.
-Rizwana Amla

Books and computers are both necessary. Books are more beneficial for me, as I can carry them around and read them at any time or place. Through reading books, I learn about other people and their cultures. Additionally, there is something romantic about books. The library is a magical place for people who are passionate about their books.
-Zoe Brenhan

For me, a computer is a very convenient tool to use. Due to this technology, we can get any kind of information from anywhere in the world while still being seated in one place. We can use computers for business purposes, save important files and retrieve them instantly. We can make videos using personal pictures, watch movies, hear music and even play games. These are the most important features of computers.
-Baby Rosal

Young people should make the internet a companion, as the exposure can only be good.

I personally think that young children should be allowed to use the computer for research purposes. It is faster and much more convenient for them to gain knowledge while using a computer. If they rely on books, they will have to visit a library and look for the relevant book before the research process can even be initiated. However, with the internet, information is just a click away.
-Hanam Al Nasser

We are in the 21st century, which is the age of information — this is the future. By browsing on the internet, we can get the latest information. If children begin using computers at a young age, they will be able to operate it with ease when they reach university level. However, there is no replacement for books. Whatever you read in a book cannot easily be forgotten.
-Khalid Khoury

I grew up spending hours in the school library, but I have to admit that computers give me the world in a click. The internet is my saviour for any quick information or references. I realised how useful it is when I first landed in Dubai. I easily found the people I knew online and it made my distance from home a lot easier to endure. Early exposure to the computer can do wonders for a child.
-Ellen Samano

In this day and age, the internet is the most convenient information hub. Not only does it provide information, but it also promotes social awareness and educational facilities. Internet makes the world a smaller place, as communication time is reduced and it also breaks social barriers between different people around the globe. Everyone is given an opportunity to create a connection and be part of a bigger society.
-Andrew Borela

You understand and absorb information better when reading it in a book.

I like to read, but ever since I went to university I was left with no choice but to use computers to gather data. I was forced to give up reading for a while. I think a person absorbs the information better when reading a book, since he or she has more time to focus on the content. When one is online, several other things, such as chat programmes can be distracting. Additionally, if the book is good I tend to remember it for a long time.
-Amnah S. Al Haddad

Books have a very special place in my heart and I am not willing to give them up for anything. They are very important for the development of several aspects of our personality. Generally, people who read or have read a lot in their lives appear to be much smarter than others. However, I think computers are very important too. Young children can easily access information through the internet, as it is much faster.
-Aisha Al Blooshi
Abu Dhabi

A book or computer could carry the same data. In a book, all you have to do is open and read it and close it once you are done reading. However, with a computer, once you reach the end of the page, you have to click to go on to the next page, which is really tiring. Additionally, radiation from the computer screen is damaging for our eyes. So I guess the conventional idea of reading is still the best.
-Cid Gloria

I think the internet may be a good companion but there are many dangers lurking in the background. Young people may be exposed to violence, bad language, viruses, and hackers. Monitoring and controlling activities is extremely difficult. On the other hand the good side of it also exists.
-Amyn Gulamali