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In a world where connections becoming more and more virtual, Community Advisor helps people of the same community connect online, participate in forums, start meaningful conversations, plan activities, trade among themselves and find services when needed.

“At Community Advisor, we believe that connecting with people is essential, especially to those that are living near you. We believe that when good people unite, it creates a better and safer neighbourhood for all residents. We aim to build up communities that are made up of people who care about each other.⁠ Connecting with your neighbours and staying in touch with each other is one way to keep your community safe,” said the company’s spokesperson Pieter Zijlmans. The app’s home page features the feed, one place where everything that is happening in your community is readily available. This is where the users post reviews, find events for their community and receive discount for events or trusted services of their interest.

Pieter Zijlmans Image Credit: Supplied

In addition to this, a categorised forum enables meaningful conversations among individuals of the community. “Our forum is not just a place for questions and answers. We strive to foster meaningful conversations, archive them and make them available for anyone in that community as and when needed. Our robust forums categorization means the user can search and find the information they need in a matter of seconds,” Zijlmans added.

Community Advisor also makes trading within the community a breeze. In a world where a lot of fraudulent trades happen online, this platform aims to put a face to the transaction and enables a happy trade. Whether you need to buy something, or sell something, Community Advisor makes it hassle-free.

Finding top-rated services in the community has also become easier with the availability of this app. Both search and filter options are available to help the user find the service they need. Also, companies provide exclusive discounts to community advisor members, which range anywhere from 5-20 per cent. Unbiased reviews are available for these companies from users within the community, helping those searching to choose the right services.

Besides the existing discounts, you can apply to get a group discount from the listed service providers in the app’s directory together with your neighbours, which is an upcoming feature within the trade section of the app.

Jean, a Community Advisor user from Dubai says, “This is an app like no other. Whatever I want to do in the community, it is right there on the app. The feature I love and use the most is the discount indication in the services directory. I have never paid full price for any of the services after I started using Community Advisor”.

“We are already seeing a high number of registrations. The app will only get better and better over time, as community members start contributing. Community Advisor is the preferred app among communities,” said Zijlmans.

Companies listed on the app can register themselves on the Company Advisor website and be seen in up to three communities for free. Neighbours will get to know about their services when their existing users leave reviews on the Community Advisor app’s main feed and they can grow their customer base.

About Community Advisor

Community Advisor is your community’s social network which allows you to participate in forums, trade on the local marketplace, plan activities and easily find trusted and discounted services around you.

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