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Prachet Poddar, a Sixth Form Student at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi, nurses a deep interest in astrophysics, particle physics, and cosmology. To that end, he is studying Math, Further Math, Physics, and Chemistry for his A-Levels. Prachet’s academic achievements include attaining the highest GCSE Latin Score across the UAE; three scholarships at Cranleigh (STEM, Academic, Sixth Form); winning the Philip Harris 2018 STEM Challenge Pupil Award in a team of 6 students; and winning UKMT Math Challenge Best in School in 2018, 2019, and 2021.

Prachet Poddar

As for his extracurricular achievements, he has volunteered and raised funds for CRY, a non-profit organization based in India; is heading the Engineering Society at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi; heading and founding the Astrophysics Club at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi; and completing a Columbia Summer Immersion program, the “Origins of the Universe”. ‘‘My passion lies in theoretical physics – this comes from my curiosity and love for abstract concepts,’’ he says.

As for his extracurricular achievements, he has volunteered and raised funds for CRY, a non-profit organization based in India; is heading the Engineering Society at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi; heading and founding the Astrophysics Club at Cranleigh Abu Dhabi; and completing a Columbia Summer Immersion program, the “Origins of the Universe”. ‘‘My passion lies in theoretical physics – this comes from my curiosity and love for abstract concepts,’’ he says.

Excerpts from an interview:

How did you develop an interest in Math?

My dad is an amazing mathematician, and my guru. Since I was young, my dad noticed a mathematical reasoning ability in me, which he helped me develop and enjoy. I enjoyed solving problems. I especially took an interest in algebra – I enjoyed playing with equations by rearranging them and finally reaching the answer.

Tell us about the projects/programs you did.

I participated in the Philip Harris STEM Challenge in 2018, where we tackled reusability of water and the minimizing of water wastage. In this contest our school won the Pupil’s Choice Award for the project. Also, I have completed an internship at Galaxy Surfactants in India where I learnt about surfactant analysis. Over the summer, I also completed a two-week Columbia Summer Immersion Program on “Origins of the Universe”. I am going to participate in the 13th Session of the Assembly of IRENA as a Trainee from January 13-15, 2023

How did those programs help you in furthering your interest in the subject?

The programs, unlike curriculum-based learning, encourage creative thinking to solve a problem. Additionally, a practical approach to learning enables students to better understand various properties and effects that could be abstract to grasp. I got a chance to apply my previous knowledge to real life situations, helping identify weaker points in my learning, connecting the different branches of science together, and producing a final outcome solving multiple parameters.

Who are your mentors and what are the 3 biggest lessons you learnt from them?

I have three mentors covering three aspects of my life: my academics, my skills, and my portfolio.

My biggest mentor for my academics is my dad. He helped me understand ideas or concepts that seemed too difficult to grasp. However, the biggest lesson I learnt from him was the reward of a well-maintained work ethic. He inculcated in me a sense of hard work which flourished alongside my avid curiosity, helping me enjoy learning and seek to understand every concept I learn.

My biggest mentor for other skills is my mom, who taught me the value of organization and good time management. After adopting these through practices such as using a calendar, developing a daily routine, and setting deadlines for tasks, I was able to juggle a lot more than others around me. Additionally, through theatre and public speaking, I was able to overcome my quiet nature, and learnt to succinctly convey my thoughts to others.

My biggest mentor for my portfolio is Ukasha Farooq, a mentor at Hale Consultancy. He helps me decide what activities are good for enhancing my portfolio when I present it to universities, and what might work as career opportunities in the future. He taught me to push myself out of my comfort zone – it is a great way to pick up new skills and, potentially, hobbies!

What is your dream career?

I want a career in theoretical physics, particularly in astrophysics. Within astrophysics, I hope to theorise and potentially conduct research on discovering or fabricating wormholes in the future. This would open opportunities for space travel and exploration.

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