Tran says he does a lot of research on a subject before he presses the shutter button Image Credit: Tran Tuan Viet

Part 1: Biljana Jurukovski captures 'raw experiences that words can’t explain'

Part 3: This National Geographic cover photo almost did not see print

Part 4: Ron B. Wilson: Documenting 9/11 was my destiny

For Vietnamese photographer Tran Tuan Viet, photography is a way to preserve the historical values of a period. "When I first arrived into photography, I realised many things are changing, even disappearing," he says, adding that he decided to use the camera as a tool to "record the things I have experienced."

To that end, since he first picked up the camera 14 years ago, he had been embarking on journeys across his country to learn, capture and share photos and stories of the nation.

His work has not been in vain. Over the years he has received a string of awards and honours, including winning the World’s Best Photos for #Fun, #Architecture, #Eyes2020 of Agora images. "I am glad that those images are well received. That gives me more motivation to continue the photography journey."

Tran, whose last two names mean ‘beautiful Vietnam’, puts in a lot of effort and does extensive research on a subject before going on to press the shutter button.

"I [study the subject] thoroughly and imagine in advance what might happen in each scene," he says explaining his modus operandi. He keeps practicing his photography skills to ensure that "I will get photos that I am satisfied with and are rich in visual value". Such pictures, he believes, helps to convey the message from the picture in the most impressive way and contributes to inspiring viewers to learn the story behind the image.

Does he think social media and smartphones have diluted photography as an art form?

"Smartphones have made a really big impact on photography," he admits. "I have begun to shoot less number of pictures." Instead, he spends more time honing his skills and learning more about the subject before composing his shots. "I want to take pictures that have never appeared on the internet."

Tran will be attending Xposure in Sharjah where he will be sharing tips and pointers on shooting spectacular images.

Xposure International Photography Festival

Get ready to be exposed to a spectacular array of acclaimed photographers who will be sharing their thoughts at Sharjah’s Xposure International Photography Festival, the first-of-its-kind event in the region. A platform for acclaimed professional photographers from around the world, the festival is a premium forum where photography lovers can network, find out about latest developments and exchange expertise with their peers. Having developed a name for itself in the area of education and training in the visual arts, Xposure gets together award-winning photographers and film-makers from around the globe to share their work, experiences and knowledge. Xposure also offers fully or partially subsidised workshops for all levels.

Launched by the Sharjah Government Media Bureau in 2016, this year the event is on from February 10-13 at the Expo Centre in Sharjah. More details at xposure.ae.

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