Dubai: His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has ordered the setting up of The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Museum, to highlight the life and the noble message of the Prophet.

Shaikh Mohammad entrusted the Dubai Authority for Culture and Arts, chaired by Shaikh Mayed Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, to supervise the implementation of the project.

The decision aims to set up a global destination that reflects the status of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his great character that carried the message of Islam and became a model for over 1.3 billion Muslims.

The museum will familiarise people from all over the world with the true life history of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his contribution to changing the course of history and influencing the political, economic, cultural and social aspects of the entire nation's life.

“We wanted the Prophet's museum to be the first initiative by the authority, which was inspired by the leadership and pioneering spirit of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)," Shaikh Mayed said.

“The museum will stand as evidence that Dubai is serious about extending bridges not only between the East and the West, but between the Islamic nation and the rest of the world as well," he added.

The museum project will be implemented in three stages. The first and second phases will comprise a section dedicated to documenting the life of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), with models reflecting each historic stage.

The journey starts from the pre-Islamic stage, through the birth of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), his marriage, revelation and prophecy, the call to Islam, first Hijrah (migration) from Makkah to Madinah, wide-range call to Islam and the Conquest of Makkah, to the Farewell Pilgrimage and his death.

There will also be a section designated to the Haj and Umrah (pilgrimage), and their rituals and another section for the pillars of Islam.

The third phase will cover any future expansion of the museum's various sections.

Dr. Omar Bin Sulaiman, board member and Managing Director of the authority, said Dubai occupies an international position as a city that attracts cultures and civilisations of the world.

“Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was a role model of good morals, through which he captured the minds and hearts of people, and this museum will be a historic landmark and a reference for people to learn about the true Islam, which promotes moral values and good communication and love between people," Bin Sulaiman said.