STOCK mansaf
Mansaf to eat... Image Credit: Shutterstock

Dubai: A restaurant in Jordan’s capital, Amman, is offering an unconventional service that’s quickly becoming a social media sensation.

After serving its specialty dish, mansaf, the restaurant allows patrons to enjoy a post-meal nap with beds provided on-site.

Omar Al Mubaideen, son of the restaurant’s owner, shared the unique concept in an interview with local media.

He said the idea was initially considered humorous, but it has found immense popularity online.

... and a bed to sleep. Image Credit: Khaberni news portal

“We noticed that customers often felt tired and sleepy after enjoying mansaf, and that’s how we came up with the idea to offer this service,” said Al Mubaideen.

He explained that the restaurant, which opened just six months ago, specialises in mansaf, a traditional Jordanian dish made of lamb cooked in a sauce of fermented dried yogurt and served with rice or bulgur.

Mansaf, as Al Mubaideen pointed out, has become an expression of Jordanian identity.

His restaurant aims to offer tourists and locals alike an authentic Jordanian mansaf experience.

The unique post-meal sleep service is an added touch, reflecting the leisurely pace and hospitality intrinsic to Jordanian culture.

This  idea by the restaurant, blending the enjoyment of traditional cuisine with the comfort of a restful nap, has caught the attention of locals and tourists alike, generating lively conversation on social media and elevating the dining experience to a whole new level.