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Dubai: Five members of an Egyptian family suffocated to death after a massive fire broke out in their apartment in Shubra neighbourhood of capital Cairo, local media reported.

According to security authorities, the family —the father 41, mother 39 and three sons, aged 11, 7 and one-and-a -half years — died of suffocation.

A 13-year-old girl is the only member of the family who survived the fire. She was taken to hospital. The bodies of the victims were taken to morgue before issuing burial documents by authorities. The cause of fire has not yet been determined.

On Wednesday, a fire broke out at the Noor Mohammadi hospital in eastern Cairo’s Matariya neighbourhood, killing three people and injuring at least 32 others.

Last month, four children died when a fire erupted in their apartment in Cairo’s Faisal neighbourhood.

The Civil Protection Department advised the public to adhere to safety measures as fires and gas leaks happen occasionally because safety measures are not followed.

Safety standards and fire regulations are poorly enforced in Egypt and have been linked to many deaths.