Saudi Riyal
In a statement issued on its X platform, the Public Prosecution’s statement outlines an extensive range of activities classified as violations under the stringent “Penal Law on Counterfeiting and Counterfeiting Money.” Illustrative image. Image Credit: Bloomberg file

Dubai: The Saudi Public Prosecution has announced that severe punishments are awaiting those found guilty of currency counterfeiting, an offence regarded with zero tolerance within the Kingdom.

In a statement issued on its X platform, the Public Prosecution’s statement outlines an extensive range of activities classified as violations under the stringent “Penal Law on Counterfeiting and Counterfeiting Money.”

Individuals involved in any facet of counterfeiting currency, be it creation, distribution, or promotion, within or outside the borders of Saudi Arabia, will be held accountable.

This also extends to those found possessing, without just cause, materials or equipment associated with currency counterfeiting.

Highlighting the gravity of such offences, the Public Prosecution affirmed that violators are at risk of facing imprisonment for a term that could span up to 25 years.

Furthermore, financial penalties could see individuals fined up to a hefty sum of 500,000 riyals. Depending on the severity and extent of the violation, convicted individuals could potentially incur one or both of these punitive measures.