Prophet’s Mosque in Medina
Worshippers gather inside the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina. Image Credit: The Agency for Affairs of the Prophet’s Mosque

Cairo: A Saudi government research centre has dismissed a social media video, which purports that an old house in the holy city of Medina belonged to a daughter of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

In the footage, a man is seen touring an old stone house in the village of Qaba in Medina, while the one filming it claims that the place was once the abode of Umm Kolthum, the Prophet’s third daughter.

Commenting on the claim, the Al Madinah Al Munawwar Research and Studies Centre dismissed the information mentioned in the video as “incorrect”. “The filmed houses have nothing to do with the Prophetic biography or daughters of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and God bless them,” the centre said in a statement.

The centre stressed the importance of observing accuracy and consulting authentic sources when publishing information related to the Prophet’s life and the history of Medina, home to Islam’s second holiest site.

“The centre has issued several books and research on the history of Medina and its landmarks that can be checked and made use of via the centre’s official website,” it added.

Medina is well-known for the Prophet’s Mosque, which houses Al Rawda Al Sharifa where the tomb of the Prophet Mohammed is located.

After making Umrah pilgrimage at the Grand Mosque, Islam’s holiest site in Mecca, many pilgrims would flock to the Prophet’s Mosque.

According to Saudi rules, worshippers wishing to visit and pray in Al Rawda Al Sharifa have to obtain an official permit in advance.

Saudi Arabia expects around 10 million Muslims from abroad during the current season for Umrah or lesser pilgrimage.

Muslims, who cannot physically or financially afford Hajj, go to Saudi Arabia to undertake Umrah.