This aerial view shows Kuwait City's Liberation tower. Authorities are taking a strict stance on this issue, emphasising that all employees who obtained higher education qualifications since January 2000, including bachelor’s degrees, graduate diplomas, master’s degrees, and doctorates, must comply without exception. Image Credit: AFP file

Dubai: More than 40,000 Ministry of Education employees in Kuwait have failed to submit their academic certificates as required, sparking a significant review of educational credentials across all sectors of the Ministry.

The issue came to light following a directive from the Civil Service Commission in February, which mandated all Ministry employees to provide comprehensive educational records for qualifications obtained after January 1, 2000.

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According to reports, there is growing concern and speculation among staff about the potential consequences of this scrutiny, with fears that it could lead to a wave of resignations from those apprehensive about the verification of their certificates and possible repercussions for any discrepancies.

The Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the Civil Service Commission, is currently conducting a thorough examination of all submitted academic credentials.

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Employees who have not yet complied with the directive are being actively contacted through their respective departments, and are being given the opportunity to explain their non-compliance.

This follows multiple extensions and notifications to submit necessary documentation through the ministry’s website.

Authorities are taking a strict stance on this issue, emphasising that all employees who obtained higher education qualifications since January 2000, including bachelor’s degrees, graduate diplomas, master’s degrees, and doctorates, must comply without exception.

The ongoing review also includes an investigation into certificates that are suspected of being falsified, as part of broader efforts to ensure the integrity of academic qualifications within the public sector.