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Cairo: Kuwait has extended a deadline for expatriates and citizens to undergo mandatory biometric fingerprinting.

The three-month deadline, which started on March 1, was originally set to expire next month. Now, the deadline is extended to September 30 for Kuwaitis and December 30 for foreign residents, the Interior Ministry said.

The extension aims to facilitate the procedure for citizens and experts, and fast-track it, the ministry added.

Eligible applicants are required to reserve an appointment via the unified e-government services platform “Sahel” before heading to the designated centres for fingerprinting.

The booking allows choosing the site and the available timing for undergoing the fingerprinting. After getting an alert confirming the appointment, the person in question should display the “My Identity” app or the civilian identification card at the time of fingerprinting.

In a facilitating step, Kuwait has introduced home biometrics for the elderly and ill people, who are unable to head to the Interior Ministry’s centres.

Failure to undergo the mandatory fingerprinting will lead to a halt to all transactions provided by the ministry.

The ministry had earlier said biometric fingerprinting for Kuwaitis, other nationals of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and expatriates is conducted at Kuwait’s border outlets, the Kuwait International Airport, and designated centres at several security premises across the country.

Travellers can still leave Kuwait without the requirement of fingerprinting that will be done upon their return, according to the ministry.

Foreigners constitute around 3.3 million of Kuwait’s overall population of 4.8 million.