A Pashtun man Asanullah, 20, sits in a hole in the wall damaged by weapons fire in Khar, the main town in Bajaur Agency. Image Credit: Reuters

Key facts about Bajaur Agency

  • Area: 1290 sq km
  • Population: 1.2 million (1998 census)
  • Operation started: September 2008
  • Area completely secured: March 2010
  • Soldiers killed since 2008: 150
  • Militants killed since 2008: 1800
  • Houses destroyed: 6000
  • Loss of property and business: Rs6 billion
  • Budget allocated for fiscal 2009-10: Rs 970 million
  • Families displaced: 27,000
  • Urgent need: rehabilitation of displaced people, education, health, power, food, jobs, cash compensation of victims of wars


What’s so special about Bajaur Agency?

Bajaur was an important hub for the Taliban and other militants. Its location is very sensitive and strategic as it borders Afghanistan in Northwest and Malakand Division (Swat) in South East while Mohmand tribal agency lies to the South.

Bajaur has easy access to Afghanistan’s Kunar and Nuristan provinces through four passes and countless animal paths and footpaths through the mountains.

Kunar is hotspot of Taliban activity and is site of some of the deadliest attacks on US and Nato troops in Afghanistan. Militants who escaped Bajaur Agency have set up save havens on the Afghanistan side along international boundaries with Pakistan and the Kunar river.