Trade between the UAE and the Mediterranean island country of Malta increased last year and is set to rise further with a permanent presence of the country's trade office in Dubai.

According to official figures, exports from the UAE to Malta saw an increase of 9.5 per cent in 2002 over the previous year, while imports went up by 4.9 per cent.

Actual figures were not provided.

The Maltese Government, through its trade promotion agency, Malta External Trade Corporation (Metco), recently enhanced its activities in the UAE by establishing a permanent trade office.

"This office is offering practical trade promotion services to UAE companies that are interested in Malta and also companies from Malta that are interested in doing business in the UAE and the Gulf in general," said Anthony Tabone, director, Malta Trade Centre, Dubai.

"Two-way trade is on the rise and having our permanent presence in the region will only enhance our trade flows. Over four trade missions are set for this year and we will be taking up a number of trade fairs, too, such as the Big Five show in October," he said.

Tabone said Malta has accorded the UAE as priority one and since 1989 Malta has organised over 15 trade missions to the UAE which has reflected positively in the trade flows between the two countries.

Malta would also provide practical support and advice to UAE companies seeking to use Malta's proximity to European markets.