At approximately 12 p.m. EST, UPS Flight 6 from Dubai, UAE, to Cologne, DE, a 747-400 with two crewmembers on board crashed on takeoff. Image Credit: Virendra Saklani/Gulf News

Dubai: The UAE General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) revealed new details regarding the ongoing investigation of the UPS Boeing 747-400 Cargo crash on September 3 in Dubai.

The investigation is progressing with the remaining aircraft wreckage removed recently from the accident site.

Components of the wreckage required for further forensic investigation will be in GCAA custody in a secured unit until such time as the investigation is concluded.

Onsite forensic examination of the wreckage by fire specialists highlighted several areas of interest.

Detailed laboratory analysis is being conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board under the guidance of GCAA investigators.

As the investigation progresses, additional components of the aircraft and the cargo may be shipped to USA for a detailed analysis to establish the cause of fire.

GCAA, in conjunction with international investigation agencies, has initiated an in-depth technical investigation into key areas of the flight.