Dubai Municipality has published a new detailed tourist map which incorporates the city's latest developments. Printed on a large scale of 1:27,500, the map features all the routes including one-way traffic streets in the central business district.

Parks, hotels, beaches, sports clubs, shopping malls and libraries are highlighted, along with police stations, government departments, embassies and hospitals. Available in Arabic and English, the map also features the coastline and the Hatta mountain resort.

Municipality Director-General Qassim Sultan said, "The new map takes into consideration all the changes which have taken place in Dubai over the past few years, and also all those planned for the foreseeable future."

It is to be marketed throughout the Gulf by Dubai-based Explorer Publishing. Distribution Manager Ivan Rodrigues said, "With tourist numbers set to reach six million by 2010, it was essential to produce an up-to-date map. This will be a great advantage to anyone trying to navigate their way around Dubai."

In addition to the map, the Municipality has also produced a colourful souvenir poster. The map and poster, priced at Dh35 and Dh20 respectively, are available at major hotels, bookshops, supermarkets and petrol stations and on the Internet.