Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai stands at the forefront, offering expert care and treatment for diabetic eye conditions

On World Diabetes Day, as the globe turns its focus to one of the most prevalent chronic conditions, there is an aspect of the disease often overshadowed: the health of our eyes. Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai, a world-renowned leader in ophthalmic care, emphasises the importance of addressing and understanding diabetic eye conditions.

Diabetes is a serious health condition that has a significant impact on people’s lives. According to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), around one in three individuals with diabetes will experience some form of diabetic retinopathy during their lifetime. Additionally, one in ten people will suffer from a more severe form of this disease that can threaten their vision.

But what is diabetic retinopathy, and why should those with diabetes be more vigilant? It is a condition where the blood vessels in the retina are damaged due to uncontrolled sugar levels. People with diabetes need to be more vigilant since this condition can cause irreversible damage.

Moreover, cataracts, which cause the clouding of the eye’s natural lens, are more prevalent in diabetic individuals. Glaucoma, the silent thief of sight, has also been shown to affect those suffering from diabetes. Such conditions can significantly impair vision and, if left untreated, may lead to permanent, irreversible blindness.

From left: Dr Luisa Sastre, Dr Ammar Safar, and Dr Fahd Quhill at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai Retina and Uveitis department Image Credit:

The dedicated Retina Department at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai regularly educates, manages, and treats patients suffering from this chronic condition.

Dr. Ammar Safar, Chief Medical Officer and Consultant Ophthalmologist at Moorfields elucidates, “Diabetic eye conditions can often be asymptomatic in the initial stages, making regular check-ups paramount. Early detection and timely intervention can help manage these conditions effectively, preserving vision.”

Reiterating the significance of regular eye screenings, Dr. Fahd Quhill, Consultant Ophthalmologist, states, “Diabetes is not just about managing sugar levels. Its impact is holistic, and our vision is one of the primary areas at risk. A simple eye check-up can differentiate between early intervention and irreversible damage.”

Adding to this, Dr. Luisa Sastre, Consultant Ophthalmologist, shares, “We have witnessed cases where timely screenings have enabled us to halt or even reverse some of the eye complications stemming from diabetes. Moorfields is equipped to manage and treat a comprehensive range of retina-related conditions, ensuring our patients receive the best care possible.”

For those living with diabetes, these insights bring to light the significance of comprehensive health management. Beyond regular blood sugar monitoring, consistent eye check-ups are crucial in ensuring a holistic approach to well-being.

Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai stands at the forefront, offering expert care and treatment for diabetic eye conditions. Their team of skilled professionals, advanced treatment options, and patient-centric approach make them a preferred choice for many seeking specialised eye care.

In conclusion, it is essential to remember that people with diabetes and their loved ones should not forget about the impact on their vision while managing the condition. Regular screenings can help preserve the beauty of vision and prevent potential damage. So, on this occasion, let us all be reminded of the significance of eye health and take the necessary steps to protect our eyes.

For more information about the esteemed doctors and the services offered at Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai, please visit