Dubai Police Academy
A graduation ceremony in progress at the Dubai Police Academy. File photo. Image Credit: Gulf News

Dubai: The Dubai Police Academy has proudly announced the graduation of 7,783 cadet officers, a remarkable achievement since its inception in 1987.

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Brig. Badran Al Shamsi, Assistant Commander-in-Chief for Academic and Training Affairs at Dubai Police, shared this milestone during a press conference titled “Dubai Police Academy: A Journey of Renewed and Sustainable Success.”

The even was attended by distinguished guests from the institution.

With a commitment to excellence and innovation, the academy continues to uphold its mission of producing elite officers equipped to contribute to the nation’s comprehensive development and prosperity.

Regional contribution

Brigadier Al Shamsi emphasised that the Academy has contributed to the legal, judicial, police, and security sectors in the UAE, the Gulf region, and the Arab world.

“Implementing the directives of Lieutenant General Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, the Academy has been keen on supporting its pioneering journey with all necessary academic, military, training, and practical components to ensure the sustainability of its objectives in graduating elite officers capable of joining the sustainable development march and actively participating in the nation’s comprehensive renaissance,” he said.

Brig. Dr. Sultan Al Jammal, Director of the Dubai Police Academy, along with his deputy, PhD. Colonel Mansour Al Balushi, Colonel Abdul Aziz Muhammad Amin, Director of Student Affairs, Major Ahmad Abdullah Dhahy, Director of Admission and Registration, several officers and personnel, and media members attended the event.

He highlighted the Academy’s role as an educational, training, and research institution in supplying the judiciary, legal, police, and security devices with top human resources, not only in the UAE but also in the GCC and Arab countries.

Brig. Dr. Sultan Al Jammal, Director of the Dubai Police Academy
Brig. Dr. Sultan Al Jammal, Director of the Dubai Police Academy, said: “The Academy’s strategy aligns with the wise leadership’s vision that prioritises science, knowledge, and scientific research as a path to civilisational progress, ensuring the highest quality education and training programs to meet contemporary developments and achieve desired goals.” Image Credit: Supplied

Brig. Dr. Al Jammal highlighted the Academy’s role as an educational, training, and research institution in supplying the judiciary, legal, police, and security devices with top human resources, not only in the UAE but also in the GCC and Arab countries.

Educational excellence

PhD Colonel Mansour Al Balushi pointed out the Academy’s renowned scientific stature, advanced educational levels, tactical skills, and support abilities taught to students.

“These elements ensure the sustainability of graduating competent students who meet the required standards and contribute to preparing specialised leaders capable of making decisions based on reliable scientific research and evidence,” he confirmed.

Graduation ceremony preparations and achievements

Colonel Abdul Aziz Muhammad Amin, Director of Student Affairs, described the extensive training that culminated in the professional military parades witnessed during the grand graduation ceremony, reflecting the students’ high discipline and physical fitness level.

He highlighted the transformation of students from civilian to military life, focusing on military skills, discipline, leadership traits, initiative, and volunteering.

Admission and registration

Major Ahmad Abdullah Dhahy discussed the Academy’s registration process and its alignment with modern specialisations to prepare students for various fields, especially those related to police work.

“The Academy prides itself on graduating highly qualified personnel in bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs, continually updating its program to equip students for future police specialisations and field skills,” he said.

The academy in numbers

Since its foundation, the Academy has graduated 7,783 students across various programmes, including bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in security sciences, law, and police sciences, contributing significantly to the legal and security sectors in the UAE and beyond.

Dubai Police Academy
The Dubai Police Academy holds series of events in the run up to graduation.

Programmes offered

The Academy offers 16 study programmes, including three bachelor’s degree programmes in security and criminal sciences, law, and police sciences, as well as evening studies in law. It also offers eight master’s programmes and five doctoral programmes in various specialisations, reflecting its comprehensive approach to legal and security education.

The Dubai Police Academy continues to be a beacon of knowledge and excellence, contributing significantly to the safety and security of the UAE and the wider region.

Under the inspirational motto of this year’s graduation ceremony, “Dubai’s Strong Resolve,” the Academy reaffirms its commitment to graduating competent police officers dedicated to serving and protecting the nation.