Abu Dhabi Prosecution takes legal action against a mother and her son for spreading false information
The Public Prosecution in Abu Dhabi called for the necessity of ensuring accuracy and credibility before broadcasting or circulating the clips on social media sites, and not to republish or circulate without verifying the information from its official sources, to avoid legal accountability. Image Credit: ADJD

Abu Dhabi: The Public Prosecution in Abu Dhabi took legal measures against a mother and her son and opened an investigation after they posted a video clip on social media platforms, containing false information regarding the eviction of a residential property.

The Public Prosecution in Abu Dhabi explained that the broadcast of false information turned into a malicious rumour that spread among people, originating from the son who accused his father’s siblings (his uncles) of expelling him and his mother from the home. The Public Prosecution said in a statement issued this evening that the truth is that forcing the mother and her son to vacate the house came in as the implementation of a judicial ruling issued by the Abu Dhabi Court in accordance with established legal procedures.

The Public Prosecution in Abu Dhabi explained that the video circulated included an incorrect allegation and incorrect information from the son that his mother was forced to leave the residence by his father’s siblings (his uncles), while investigations showed that there was a lawsuit filed by the heirs (the son’s father and his siblings), requesting the eviction of the property, and the court ruled to vacate the property and hand it over to the plaintiffs (the father and his siblings). Therefore, the court ruled to vacate the property and hand it over to the plaintiffs, and the ruling was upheld before the Court of Appeal.

The prosecution added that it was found that there was a personal status case in which a ruling was issued requiring the father to pay an alimony of Dhs2,500 per month to his son, and to impose a foster home rent of Dhs30,000 annually, starting from the date the defendant left the foster home.

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A crime punishable by law

The Public Prosecution in Abu Dhabi called for the necessity of ensuring accuracy and credibility before broadcasting or circulating the clips on social media sites, and not to republish or circulate without verifying the information from its official sources, to avoid legal accountability.

The Abu Dhabi Prosecution confirmed that broadcasting and disseminating false information is a crime punishable by law, whether related to spreading, re-publishing or circulating rumours and false news, in accordance with Article 52 of Federal Decree Law No. (34) of 2021 regarding combating rumours and electronic crimes, which stipulates that anyone who uses the information network or any means of information technology to broadcast, publish, republish, circulate or recirculate tendentious, misleading, or false news, false data, false reports or rumours, shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than one year and a fine of not less than one hundred thousand dirhams.