Lahore: Pakistan cricket authorities Friday rejected allegations of unprofessionalism from their former fielding coach Steve Rixon, saying they were surprised by the ‘unfounded’ attacks.

Former Australian wicketkeeper Rixon was credited with lifting the Pakistan’s fielding standards during his two-year contract with the national team, which expired in June this year.

He did not seek a renewal of the contract, and on Thursday blasted the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) for being late with payments and disorganised.

“They didn’t pay subsidiary staff on time. Everyone was meant to go to the World Cup (2019 in England), which would be the sensible thing to do but not unless they improved their act,” Rixon told Fairfax Media in Australia.

“[I told them], ‘you guys will make me angrier and angrier, and I don’t need it.’

In the interview Rixon said: “If they want outsiders to the country doing the job make sure you look after them.”

The PCB rejected Rixon’s claims, saying it was “disappointed by the baseless allegations” and that it “enjoyed cordial relations with all current and former foreign staff attached with national teams.”

“It comes as a surprise to us that Rixon made unfounded allegations,” the cricket authority said in a statement.

“The PCB strongly refutes the allegations made by Rixon in his interview, the foreign coaching staff has full backing and support of the board.”

Pakistan has a number of international figures on its national coaching team — Rixon was replaced by former New Zealand spinner and Scotland coach Grant Bradburn, and the position of batting coach is held by former Zimbabwean batsman Grant Flower.