Children might struggle with thirst and hunger for extended periods and DHA recommends starting with short fasts, increasing the duration as your child adjusts. Picture used for illustrative purposes only. Image Credit: Shutterstock

Dubai: Are your little ones excited to join the Ramadan fast? The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has released a guide packed with tips to help parents introduce their children to fasting in a healthy and gradual way.

Why gradual? Growing bodies have different needs than adults. Children might struggle with thirst and hunger for extended periods and DHA recommends starting with short fasts, increasing the duration as your child adjusts.

“Children cannot tolerate thirst and hunger during the whole period of fasting, so gradually increase the time once you observe that the child is ready. In case the child feels very tired and exhausted during fasting, he or she must end the fast immediately to avoid complications,” the guide states.

Healthy habits and eating tips during Ramadan

The guide also provides simple tips that parents can follow to make sure that their children follow a healthy balanced diet rich in essential nutrients and implement healthy habits to have a safe and fulfilling experience during Ramadan. Here are some of the tips shared in the guide:

1. Speed up iftar and delay suhour as much as possible.
2. Eat sources of protein such as eggs, cheeses, chicken, fish, meat, and legumes for iftar and suhour along with starches, fresh or cooked vegetables and fruits.
3. Drink enough water from iftar to suhour.
4. Eat two healthy snacks between iftar and suhour.
5. Reduce sweets and replace them with fruits.
6. Avoid salty foods, processed meats, and fast food to avoid thirst during fasting.
7. Sleep adequate hours.