Free knowledge
Gulf News should highlight the importance of public libraries. If we are into the knowledge revolution, why don't we move in this direction, too, instead of solely depending on the internet? Public libraries would be of greater importance for those who cannot afford to buy books at high prices. Moreover, it is really enjoyable to move through hard copies of different newspapers and other publications. This is a recreational substitute worthy of focus.
From Mr Mohammad Shamsheer

Plea of a smoker
I have always found it very enjoyable to spend time at a coffee shop in my local shopping mall. I would do this several times a week, sometimes alone and sometimes meeting up with friends. I enjoyed chatting, reading the newspaper and watching the passers-by with my coffee, snack and a few cigarettes. It was a simple pleasure and a diversion from work and the four walls of home. However, since the no-smoking ban came into place, I have stopped visiting the mall. Smoking for me was as essential to the experience as eating, drinking and chatting.
From Ms Vanda James

Banking concerns
Mr Syed's issue with his bank is one of many that should be taken very seriously ("Your Turn", Gulf News, October 28). All banks should introduce a code of conduct and any business body violating these codes should be severely fined. The negligence of these business units should also be publicised. Banks should be made to account for the irresponsible behaviour of their staff members. There might be many such cases, but we might have heard of only a few.
From Mr Faique Barmawar

Educate the obese
Your effort to alert the public against obesity is appreciated ("Health risks of obese children weigh heavily on parents' minds", Gulf News, October 24). Obese children are victimised mainly because of the carelessness of their parents. Most obese children are born to parents who are least bothered about their body. Bad food habits are the main cause. Parents should spend some time with children and educate them about the dangers of junk food. Let children dream about their future and start living healthier lives.
From Mr Laxman K.
Gulf News Reader's Club member

Play it fair
I believe that freedom of expression and comparison is in the best interest of consumers, so competitive ads should be allowed without any red tape ("New du and etisalat ads ratchet up telecom rivalry", Gulf News, October 26). What this means is that, like in the US, each company should be allowed to compare its product's prices and quality with that of its competitors, even if they have to use the contender's name. This is with the condition that wrong information will not be conveyed.
From Mr Waqas
Abu Dhabi
Website comment

Priorities please
Does US President George Bush finally understand the relevance of the Kyoto protocol after seeing the effects of the devastating California blaze? ("Bush declares California disaster area", Gulf News, October 25). While many countries supported this venture, he did not. In the past, hurricane Katrina caused much havoc, and now natural disaster is striking in the form of forest fires. It has created losses in millions of dollars and left many homeless or dead. How is it that there are not enough resources to quickly extinguish the fire? The President seems to have enough money and forces to send to other countries for war but not enough to safeguard his own land.
From Ms Shemeem Shafik

Sharjah roads
We appreciate the efforts taken by the head of road planning with regard to traffic congestion on Sharjah roads ("Sharjah road works will take three years for completion", Gulf News, October 28). However, the first thing that has to be done is the opening of more roads between Dubai and Sharjah so that the morning traffic is cleared quickly. The authorities should also make a flyover to the Al Mamzar area in Dubai to ease the traffic congestion.
From Mr Anil
Full name withheld by request

Road troubles
This is going from bad to worse. Any route that we take is of no avail. It takes at least two hours to reach Dubai from Sharjah at any given time in the morning, unless we leave home at 5am. Until this project comes to an end, we will either need psychiatric help or we will have aged by 15 years in just three years. Please re-open the Al Mamzar Road that has been barricaded now. This is very unfair!
From Ms Sanaa
Website comment

Patient approach
The efforts of the authorities to ease traffic in Sharjah demands appreciation. As motorists, we need to bear with the authorities and support them in every possible manner. Commenting on the delay is always easier, but let's feel what it is like to be in their shoes for a change, and think of the difference their efforts will make to all of us.
From Mr Raj
Website comment

Rude children
Regarding the letter "Disrespectful" ("Your Turn", Gulf News, October 27), I agree with the reader that children seated near the back of the school buses are mostly senior male students and they do subject female drivers to obscene gestures. It happened to me last year, and I had to make a gesture to the boys that I would call their school. Such behaviour is absolutely unacceptable and it shows that they need a schoolteacher present to ensure proper behaviour.
From Ms Jayshree Raj

Lack of police
Referring to Ms Afridi's letter ("Your Turn", Gulf News, October 27). The same can be said about what happened at the Jebel Ali Gardens on October 25, Thursday night. The traffic getting into and out of the area was indescribably chaotic. Whilst I was stuck there for two hours I saw a single police vehicle, which did not assist with controlling the general bad manners, but pushed through themselves to attend to a fender bender and then left.
From Ms Katherine Nash

Price play
Can someone please tell me why the price of televisions in Dubai are over 50 per cent more than in the US, given that the dirham is pegged to the dollar? For the cost of the 40-inch liquid crystal display TV in Dubai, you can get the 46-inch version in the US. If the argument is that stores charge what customers are prepared to pay, then in my case they have got it very wrong.
From Dr Andrew E. Blatch