UAE skyline
UAE Image Credit: Suji Su/Pexels

UAE, a global hub

The UAE enjoys a peerless geographical position globally (“UAE is a global hub for shaping sustainable future”, Gulf News, August 02). It effectively connects the continents of Africa, Asia and Europe. The UAE is not only a marvellous global hub due to the location but also due the hospitality of its people, the actions of its leaders, its remarkable infrastructure. When an opportunity is greeted with an open mind and farsightedness, success will surely follow, which I believe is the ultimate reason for the nation’s success. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai, has gloriously announced that the goal of the nation is to globalise the national companies whilst attracting foreign conglomerates for Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in various sectors of trade.

The country also opened its doors for the brightest and most promising individuals, from the world over, to settle here by offering the highest standard of living, freehold for top-notch properties, as well as long-term visas (Golden Visa), all the while retaining national talent as an asset for the country. Moreover, the UAE continues to be quintessential in sustainable growth and living through its various initiatives, like the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park and the Noor Abu Dhabi Solar Power Plant. The UAE maintains its position as an unrivalled global hub in the MENA region, acting as a bridge for cultures, nations and most importantly, trade opportunities.

From Mr Jash Mehta


UAE’s food security

Reading your article on food bills made me want to thank the UAE’s visionary leaders for everything from peace and security to an excellent transport system and medical facilities (“UAE consumers begin to get some relief on their food bills”, Gulf News, August 26). I want to put some light on the UAE’s supply or availability of food, which is one of the basic necessities of life. We never had to face a shortage of food items, like some other countries did over the last two years. Even during the pandemic, our leaders ensured that we have a smooth supply of basic necessities.

As a UAE resident for the last two decades, I have never faced any problems of non-availability of food or other things due to the UAE government’s resilient food security and supply chain policies.

From Ms Niamat Karmallly


Election strategies in India

Prashant Kishor has worked with almost all major Indian political parties while working as a political strategist (“Prashant set for the long haul in Bihar”, Gulf News, August 29). How much he imbibed from which party’s ideology is not clear. This article also is silent about Kishor’s political ideology. But, to be an adorable lasting leader, he must adopt a constructive and all-inclusive ideology.

Shivam Vij is correct. Discontentment in Bihar is calling, louder and clearer than ever before, for a new leader who can sell them new hope. And to answer the calling, Kishor is transforming himself into a mass leader through a challenging route of creating a mass base following some of Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals. The launch of his year-long Jan Suraaj yatra coincides with Gandhi’s birth anniversary, October 2. But, he should also embrace Gandhi’s ideology in full to become a national leader. Discontentment in Bihar is neither limited to Bihar, nor very different from that in Uttar Pradesh and so many other states of India.

From Mr K M Furqan

Abu Dhabi

Asia Cup: India beat Hong Kong

This letter refers to the report on the game against the Hong Kong team, which may be a cakewalk for the Indian team (“As it happened: India beat Hong Kong by 40 runs in 2022 Asia Cup clash in Dubai”, Gulf News, August 31). However, it would be foolish to take them as a weak team. Definitely, it is not a win-win situation for the team. In fact, Hong Kong qualified for the Asia Cup by defeating better teams like UAE, Singapore and Kuwait, which is remarkable. Moreover, if we see the statistics against Hong Kong last time, the team set up a stiff target of 286 runs, which they lost by just 26 runs. Ironically their openers, Mozakat Khan and the then skipper Anshuman Rath put up a healthy stand of 174 runs. Hence, the Indian team should be careful with too much experimentation, especially when the top three players are on a lean patch. Don’t be complacent!

From Mr Vinay Mahadevan


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