Dubai visit visa expired
Picture used for illustrative purposes only. Image Credit: Ahmed Ramzan/Gulf News

Dubai: You can soon apply for a tourist visa to the UAE for any tourist coming in from across the world, as long as he or she is vaccinated. The announcement was made by the National Authority for Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management (NCEMA) and the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on August 28.

If you would like to visit the UAE sometime in the future, here is all you need to know about the announcement.

When can I start applying for the tourist visa?

The decision will come into effect from August 30, 2021.

Which vaccines will be accepted?

According to the announcement, tourists need to have received the full doses of COVID-19 vaccines approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO). These are:

• AstraZeneca

• Pfizer

• Janssen

• Moderna

• AstraZeneca/CoviShield

• AstraZeneca/AZD1222 (manufactured by the SII and SK Bio)

• Sinopharm

• Sinovac

Does this include countries from which entry was previously prohibited?

Yes, the announcement by NCEMA stated: “This decision includes countries from which entry was previously prohibited, with the mandatory rapid PCR [Polymerase Chain Reaction] laboratory examination at the airport, provided that the previous requirements remain valid for non-vaccinated groups, including the excluded non-vaccinated groups.”

How can I register my vaccine in the UAE?

To register your vaccine, visit the ICA website:

You will see a pop up window with the following question: “Is the beneficiary person inside or outside UAE ?”

When you are filling out the form, you will need to provide your personal details like your date of birth, passport number, port of departure and arrival.

You will also be asked to provide COVID-19 related documents like your vaccine card and PCR test result (optional).

Once you have filled out the form, click ‘Send’. According to the website, the Medical Committee will review the application. The process can take around five working days. It is important to note that the committee has the right to reject any application, or to impose additional requirements as it deems appropriate after review.