TAB STARS capricorn 122-1577771458138


Aries March 20 – April 19

You weren’t planning to reorganise certain elements of your life. However, the exciting events triggered by the recent Full Moon made it clear pivotal changes aren’t just a good idea, they’re overdue. Now that the decision is made, you’ve a clear idea what’s next, and the rest will fall into place like magic.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Nobody would blame you for your ongoing efforts to both understand and reach an accord regarding recent intense misunderstandings or, perhaps, clashes. However, because your views are clear and it seems those you’re dealing with are as fixed in their thinking, at least consider moving on. It’s your best option.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

You rarely brood on misunderstandings. However, the more you think about one particularly tricky issue, the clearer it is that what appear to be minor problems all need to be discussed. While simply tackling the matter in question may seem pointless, once you begin, you’re realise it’s a good starting point.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

Powerful and, ultimately, profitable as the events triggered by the recent Cancer eclipsed New Moon will prove to be, a certain amount of disarray is inevitable. True, a quick fix is tempting. But, instead, you’re urged to take it slowly. Within a short time you’ll spot the promise these hold.

Leo July 23 – August 22

There are few more positive and uplifting planetary links than that between your ruler the Sun and the expansive Jupiter. While the two actually met last week, on the 27th, you’re still benefitting from the ideas, offers and encounters it triggered and will be for days, if not weeks, to come.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

As much as you dislike making decisions when short of facts, either the impatience of certain individuals or the swift pace leaves you no option. Actually, this is best because instead of wondering whether ideas are wise, this gives you a chance to actually view how the resulting arrangements will work out.

Libra September 23 – October 22

After a seemingly endless period of having to listen to and, often, deal with others’ dramas while sidelining your own needs, the tide has turned. Suddenly, those who were complaining, if not struggling, nonstop have settled down. At long last, you and your interests can and, indeed, should, come first.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Although the Full Moon in your sign took place in late October, you’re still mulling over certain unspoken facts and complex feelings that surfaced at the time. While you’ve come to terms with some, others remain puzzling. Continue to both reflect and gather facts. Gradually, it will all become clear.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

While nothing can undermine the power of the recent link between your ruler Jupiter and the planet of innovation, Uranus, even the resulting thrilling events haven’t gone smoothly. That’s because, despite this remarkable alignment, it’s a tricky period for everybody. The solution? The one you find most challenging. Being patient.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Being a Capricorn, you don’t just prefer to plan ahead, it makes life easier for everybody around you, too. However, as you’ll have learnt from the recent Capricorn eclipsed New Moon, there are times when even the most carefully organised of plans come undone, and this is just such a period.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

It never occurs to you, mostly because you don’t make a big deal of it. But you were born under the sign that has the capacity to be most charming, but without it being noticeable. While this always comes in handy, it’s especially helpful in one particularly tricky situation you’re dealing with.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Few things are more frustrating than being cornered into discussing ideas you know are either unappealing or, worse, of no interest to others. Yet until recently, that’s been the case. Now that the communication planet Mercury has moved to accent these matters, the odds are good you’ll attract some welcome support.


The emphasis on ‘quick thinking’ in your birthday chart, gives a sense of you speaking swiftly, possibly even without thinking in the way you ordinarily would. But, also, it’s about allowing your thoughts and even discussions with others to take you into new territory in terms of what, and who, you regard as interesting or worthwhile and, equally, what’s unexciting or unprofitable. This is about revaluating elements of your existing life but, as much, pursuits that could be wonderfully enriching, now and in the future.


Aries March 20 – April 19

While you don’t mind last minute changes in plan, certain individuals around you do. Tempting as it is to proceed with those changes, and deal with the fallout the next time you meet, discuss your plans now. Not only will the individuals in question be surprisingly supportive, they might well offer helpful suggestions.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Little is as exciting as a new, unexpected yet intriguing idea or offer. The problem is that with things moving so swiftly, you’ve limited time to gather much needed facts, still less to reflect on your feelings about this. Out of character as plunging in, then learning from experience may be, it’s your best option.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

You hate disappointing others. Because of that, if things weren’t working out, you’ll sometimes simply let the arrangements or occasion pass, saying nothing. The fact is, others do notice and can be upset, as could be the case now. Simply explain complications, and say that you intend to rethink plans. That’s all.

Cancer June 21 – July 22

Listening to the complaints of others is one thing. While it’s not necessarily fun, it’s wise. More important, however, is recognising the fact you’ve heard them out doesn’t mean you’ll take action on those issues. For the moment, sidestep any further discussions and quietly proceed to do what you think is best.

Leo July 23 – August 22

As a fire sign, when something exciting comes your way, you’ll usually respond first and ask questions later. While this makes sense to you, certain cautious individuals are urging you to investigate worrying matters now. Thank them for their advice, then firmly but politely change the subject. Still, give their words some thought.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

When making promises or commitments, you’re always cautious and ensure that you can live up to what you’ve agreed. However, you tend to forget that not everybody is a thorough or thoughtful. While you can’t ask, you can trust instincts that say somebody is unreliable. If you sense that, it’s probably true.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Mostly, those born under the sign of Libra are adept at charming even the most difficult of individuals into both behaving well. At the moment, however, you’ve managed to charm somebody who’s renowned for being selfish into lending a hand where, ordinarily, it wouldn’t even occur to them to be helpful.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

For ages you’ve been avoiding even mentioning certain topics because you knew they’d lead to an exchange of ideas about matters you simply don’t want to discuss. While that’s understandable, judging by the coming weeks’ planetary activity, these can’t be avoided. You can, however, decide when and where they can be raised.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

When you make promises, you’ve every intention of keeping them. But being a busy fire sign, you’re often distracted by pressing events. While others will usually remind you of those commitments, certain individuals are too shy to speak up. Bizarre as asking everybody if you’re promises that are overdue, it’s the best solution.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Only days ago, you were complaining about the way sudden events have turned simple arrangements into major dramas. Disruptive as these were, now that you’ve had a chance to explore the options they’ve led to, you’ve exchanged those feelings of irritation for gratitude about the exciting, and unexpected, ideas these triggered.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Certain individuals not only enjoy debating the rights and wrongs of a range of matters, they seem to think getting others involved in the bizarre form of discussion is a good idea. While you’d probably enjoy it for a few minutes, it really isn’t your thing. Steer clear now. You’ll be glad you did.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Since early December, you’ve faced a series of challenging discussions. But over the past week or so, you’ve adopted a new approach, one that others have responded to well. While this is a relief, take it slowly. The matters in question are complex, enough that reaching an agreement is bound to demand serious patience.


It’s rare that half of the heavenly bodies are in your sign. However, that’s the case. With the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto and your ruler Saturn all positioned in Capricorn on your birthday, this is as much about a review of who you are, as an individual, and what you value as plans for the future. In fact, the resulting insights could lead to questions about what’s rewarding, what works and what doesn’t. Even more, you’ll be considering your options for the future, many new if not entirely unexpected.


Aries March 20 – April 18

You’ve no choice but to focus on the practical side of certain increasingly complex arrangements. Only recently these were simple and could be dealt with swiftly. But, as time has passed and things have become more complex, these have as well. The trick? Deal with them more frequently.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Every once in a while, a minor issues turns into a major battle. However, it’s not until you’re well into it that you realise it’s the same clash you’ve had, with the same individual, for ages. In a way, it’s a familiar ritual, not unlike a regular game of tennis. It’s just this one involves words.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Obviously, expressing your views is vital. However, some of what you’re experiencing has more to do with the stressful situations you’re facing than lasting issues. Explain that to others, and tell then you’d prefer to talk over various less pressing matters when the general mood is calmer and you’ve less on your mind.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

For ages you’ve been talking about reorganising your life. This would reduce the time you spend on certain increasingly pointless matters but mean you’re better able to focus on more promising interests. True, this means you’ll need to do a lot of juggling, at least initially. Still, it will be worth it.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Planning ahead may be wise. But you really can’t make plans of any variety when things are so unsettled. The trick is to reflect on your priorities, and chat with others about their ideas and long term intentions. Once that’s done, retreat and reflect. Only after that should you focus on decision-making.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

One of your greatest strengths as a Virgo is your ability to analyse a situation or, in fact, an individual, often without really thinking about it. You’ll simply make a mental note of your observations. At the moment these won’t just be helpful, in certain matters those insights could be crucial.

Libra September 22 – October 21

It’s true, you’ll often sidestep potentially controversial matters simply because you’d rather not get caught in the resulting crossfire. At the moment, however, you’re taking a far more forthright approach in a range of situations that aren’t just important, the outcome of discussions could have a lasting impact on you and others.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

In mid-November, the fiery Mars moved into Scorpio, triggering a cycle during which you’ve been unusually restless but, also, often spoken frankly where you’d usually have kept your thoughts to yourself. While Mars is now departing Scorpio, if you want to, you can dwell on, and learn from its passionate influence.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Sudden changes in existing plans are nothing new, at least to you. However, one particular individual is surprisingly rigid about such matters, which is causing a problem. From their point of view, a decision is meant to be discussed in depth, and once it’s made, changes aren’t just unwelcome, they’re impossible.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

You’ve been avoiding making changes in plans, mostly because you knew certain individuals would complain non-stop. However, things have moved on to the extent you’ve no choice. Say nothing. Those who, only recently would have moaned will be so pleased that instead of focusing on the problems involved, they’ll actually welcome the latest developments.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Change is in the air. While you’ve been struggling to figure out ways around certain increasingly restrictive arrangements, you were hoping you could do it at a more measured pace. You can. The trick is to begin now, then make it clear you’re in no rush. It’s unlikely that anybody will disagree.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

There is no wrong way to make a wise suggestion, although the attitude of one particularly difficult individual would make you think there is. It’s worth noting this isn’t unique, the individual in question is unpleasant whatever the setting, and even with those closest. That being the case, simply ignore their critical remarks.


By no means are you secretive. However, you are careful about what you say, and to whom, simply because you’re aware certain individuals tend to form their own opinions about your activities, while others gossip about them. Still, you can’t remain silent, which means first, thinking about what you’re ready to discuss and, second, deciding just how much you’re prepared to reveal. Once that’s clear, the rest will be easy and, better yet, you’ll be glad you’ve organised what others learn and what you keep to yourself.


Aries March 20 – April 18

Since mid-November you’ve been coping with the range of dull and, often, complicated issues triggered by your ruler Mars’s position in painstaking Scorpio. Tedious as dealing with each has been, what you’ve learnt has, and will continue to be, amazingly informative. Still, you’ll be relieved that tomorrow it moves into a new position.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Only days ago you were battling changes that you regarded as both unnecessary and disruptive. However, now that you’ve learnt more about these, you’re beginning to recognise them as breakthroughs, although in a new and almost unrecognisable form. Still, despite your misgivings, make a point of exploring them. You’ll be glad you did.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Even the most fortunate of ideas or offers can lead to complications, as is the case now. The trick is to deal with both the actual situation and the changes that are influencing others day by day. This gives you, and everybody involved time to discuss options and choose an approach that suits them.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

Somebody has gotten away with doing a lot of taking and giving very little in return, and for ages. You’ve said nothing, mostly because the individual in question is so grumpy it wasn’t worth it. However, you’ve finally been forced to take a stance. This isn’t just wise, it’s long overdue.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Ordinarily, you’re the one who’s in a hurry to get things organised. But judging by the current and coming weeks’ planetary activity, things won’t be settled enough to even think of making lasting arrangements until the events triggered by powerful planetary activity, around the 10th. After that, everything will be clear.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Every once in a while, you notice something that could have been done better, and wonder what happened. Obviously, you can’t always ask. Now you can. Not only will the resulting discussion be informative, one particular individual will be grateful you pointed out that flaw before it turned into a serious problem.

Libra September 22 – October 21

Sometimes minor differences are exactly that. Currently, at least one is concealing a misunderstanding as complex as it is lasting. In fact, it dates back so far that nobody can recall the exact details. This brings to mind the phrase, ‘forgive and forget’. Since they’ve already forgotten everything, you need only to forgive each other.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Certain individuals are complaining about recent frank discussions, mostly because these have put them on the spot. On the other hand, you’re rather enjoying the ideas being discussed and exploring the changes they could lead to. Bear in mind, however, that you can’t escape and could soon be facing similar changes.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

For ages you’ve been juggling your resources, both in terms of time and ideas, but also money. While you’ve managed to discuss and organise the former, the financial side of things is proving unexpectedly complex. Take it slowly. Certain pivotal facts have yet to arise. Once they do, that will change everything.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

It’s not that you didn’t notice somebody taking increasing liberties with arrangements that used to be fair, but the odds were slim that talking things over would achieve anything. Still, give it a try. The individuals in question regret the decisions they made, but need an excuse to make changes. Your comments will help.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Weeks ago events cornered you into discussing changes in your way of living or working that, thus far, you’ve done all you can to put off. Since then, however, it’s become clear these wouldn’t be nearly as disruptive as you feared. And, better yet, they’ll allow you to shed certain increasingly burdensome arrangements.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Knowing when the difficult attitude of others is nothing more than a passing mood versus there being a serious problem isn’t easy. While, often, your instincts will give you a strong impression what’s behind their feelings, at the moment you’re better off asking directly, and ensuring you get a clear answer.


There are many varieties of charm and judging by the link between the ideas planet Mercury and Jupiter, which is about expansive thinking, new ideas and generosity, on your birthday, what you discuss, explore and learn about won’t just be interesting but could add to your life, and in ways as wonderful as, often, they are unexpected. The trick is to explore everything that comes your way, and with enthusiasm. While you can always say no later, you’ll benefit from all that you learn, and experience, and everybody you meet.


Aries March 20 – April 18

While you’ve achieved an amazing amount over the past month or so, you need a break. And there’s no better time than now to take it. The trick? It’s to make it exciting enough you feel you’ve been rewarded for your effort, but not so complex that the actual experience will take ages.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Somebody seems convinced that you’ll not only enjoy meeting a certain individual or venturing into unfamiliar territory with them, they’ve already organised plans. Needless to say, you’re not thrilled. Still, go with these. If in doubt, think about times in the past when you were similarly dubious, and things went brilliantly.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Planning ahead may be a virtue. But with the second of the current pair of eclipses taking place on the 10th, you’re better off regarding arrangements as tentative if not a bit of an experiment. While this could mean reviewing it all within a week or so, by then things will be clearer.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

While certain individuals have an instinct for knowing what to do or say, and at just the right moment, others have little sense of when to be kind or offer supportive thoughts. Strange as it seems to have to ask for that, you’ve no choice. Simply say having their support matters. That will change everything.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Ordinarily, you’re adept at either sidestepping tricky situations or, if that isn’t possible, confronting them head on. Currently, however, you’re uncharacteristically at a loss about what to do or say. Bide your time. You’re short of facts. While they’ll definitely come to light, it probably won’t be until a week from now.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

There are few planetary alliances as powerful, positive and fortunate as the recent link between your ruler Mercury and the fortunate Jupiter. While some of the wonderful events this indicates may already have come your way, others have yet to appear. Waste no time debating what’s worthwhile. Explore absolutely everything.

Libra September 22 – October 21

The adage goes ‘farewells are difficult to say’. While often that’s the case, at the moment you can’t wait to say goodbye to one particularly troublesome individual. Ordinarily, as you part, you’d graciously say you’ll miss them. Don’t. They could take your words literally, and assume you’re eager to renew the relationship.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

For ages you’ve intended to tackle certain tedious matters involving the wise use of your resources, from straightforward matters, such as your money, to your time and even your ideas, but something else has always interfered. Now, suddenly, events are calling your attention to these, and in some, fast action is necessary.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Tempting as it is to sidestep potentially tricky matters in the hope they’ll resolve themselves, deep down you know how unlikely that is. The real problem is, you’re short of facts and don’t know where to go. Ask somebody who’s familiar with these matters for ideas and suggestions. They’ll be surprisingly helpful.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

At the time of the Capricorn eclipsed New Moon, on 26 December, you noticed a shift in your mood and in your perspective on a range of matters. But now, a week later, it’s increasingly clear that seemingly minor events were the beginning of major breakthroughs. The coming days will bring lots more.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Letting go of a familiar, if not longstanding, plan, arrangement or passion won’t be easy. But, on the other hand, the joy this once brought your way has diminished to thoughts of past pleasures more than anything else. What’s more, having something better on the horizon makes it easy to say farewell.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Watching ideas or arrangements you struggled to organise come undone isn’t easy. However, you’ve been battling to keep these afloat for ages. Still, for some reason, you’d regard letting go of them as a failure. On the contrary, you’d be shedding an arrangement that has been becoming increasingly burdensome by the day.


While most Capricorns are born with an understanding of the need to take a strategic approach in life, your manoeuvres as so discreet that, often, others are unaware what you’re up to. Judging by the move by impatient Mars into the most strategic portion of your chart on your birthday, this inborn talent will become all the more important, if not crucial. The irony is, the better you are at it, the less others will be aware of your manoeuvres and, as a result, the less admiration you’ll get.


Aries March 20 – April 18

When you agreed to certain arrangements a week or so ago, things seemed straightforward. They were, but with the current swift pace, there are bound to be all sorts of changes, some timely and others necessary but surprising. The secret? Deal with each quickly, then move onto whatever is next.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Because you put a lot of effort into organising even simple plans, things usually go well. It’s just that now certain individuals feel they’re better informed than you, so much their ideas would add much-needed excitement. Tempting as it is to battle this, give it a try. The results will be as pleasing as they are surprising.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

The time has come to review what, and who, you put first in your life. While once certain individuals and activities actually were more important than anything else, times have changed. Yet, mostly because of habit, these continue to be your top priority. Think carefully about this, and what really should take precedence.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

Every once in a while, you realise how amazingly selfish one particular individual is. Despite that, when you explain something is important to you, they’ll give it as much attention as any of their own plans or project. Still, this seems odd. Despite that, speak up. And now. It will make a huge difference.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Stopping somebody else from making an unwise commitment can be very challenging indeed. However, now it’s you who needs to at least pause and rethink certain questionable plans, yet something in you refuses even to consider these issues. Sooner or later, you’ll have to. The timing is up to you.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

There are many ways to say ‘no’, and as a tactful Virgo, you’re always conscious of the potential for causing hurt feelings. At the moment, however, you’re dealing with somebody who’s so tough, your problem will be the reverse. Unless you’re frank, if not actually blunt, they’ll assume you’re happy with things as they are.

Libra September 22 – October 21

As a Libra, you’ll often express your views diplomatically, mostly because you’re aware not everybody will agree. At the moment, however, that could give the impression you don’t care much, which is by no means the case. In fact, make sure that those involved are aware just how strong your feelings are.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

For ages you’ve kept quiet about your concerns regarding certain increasingly worrying situations. The problem is, while your feelings about these matters were strong, you’ve been short of facts. That’s about to change. Once the practical Saturn meets your ruler Pluto, in few days’ time, it will all come out.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

From your perspective, rethinking plans is as normal as breathing. If you learn about a better idea, you’ll embrace it. But, as you’re becoming aware, not everybody is as easygoing. While you can try explaining why changes are timely and wise, you could make things worse. Go with the flow. You’ll be glad you did.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Usually, when making plans, you don’t need to be precise because, as you learn more and time passes, it’s clear what’s best. However, with things moving so swiftly, you may not be able to rethink your plans, which means it’s wise to check out the details now, while you can.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

A lengthy, and lively, exchange of ideas has encouraged you to explore a new approach to long term dilemmas. While, for now, this is only about exactly that, exploration, you’ve a greater sense of promise and hope than for ages. This isn’t just timely, it’s about making a long overdue breakthrough.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Tempting as it is to try to relieve the suffering of somebody who’s faced serious setbacks, chat with them about their feelings first. The odds are good they’ll tell you that this was no surprise and, even more, that they’re relieved. And, better yet, they already have something to move on to.


While you’re perfectly able to deal with sudden changes, because you combine a remarkable capacity to observe both what’s taking place in the world around you and, equally, what and who others put first, you’re rarely surprised by events. Still, judging by the powerfully placed Uranus, planet of the unexpected, in your birthday chart, sudden events or somebody close rethinking their plans or priorities could mean you must review your own plans. While unsettling in the short term, the resulting changes will prove amazingly helpful in the long run.


Aries March 20 – April 18

Somebody is complaining that, you didn’t ask for their ideas, views or opinion about recent changes. Nobody would blame you for being irritated, but it will only cause upset. While you don’t owe them an apology, do exactly that. But, also, suggest they voice their concerns earlier than they did this time.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Every once in a while, one particular element of your life changes, as is the case now. That’s no problem, and in fact the resulting disarray is welcome. However, this is leading to yet more changes, some as unexpected as they are unsettling. Still, explore them. What you learn will win you over.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

On occasion life’s joys don’t involve what you do, but what you don’t have to do, face or deal with. However, that means tackling certain pressing matters once and for all. True, this won’t be easy, at least at the time. Still, looking back on what you’ve accomplished will be a true joy.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

Now that the fiery Mars is accenting the part of your chart that has to do with various obligations, the focus is an especially lazy individual. For ages they’ve been making excuses for not dealing with their end of certain ongoing responsibilities, but you’ve said nothing. The time has come to speak up.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Your initial reaction to the words and actions of one particular individual was to be cautious. But then their charm, ideas or, perhaps, their ability to flatter you overshadowed those doubts. Revisit those concerns now, while your mind is clear and it’s still practical. You’re urged to give them serious thought.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

When you first discussed plans with others, you knew they’d be complex but so did they. For this reason, while you’d handled certain matters, you trusted them to deal with their responsibilities. But, to your dismay, they haven’t. Say nothing. Instead, do whatever needs doing, quietly and in the background.

Libra September 22 – October 21

Tempting as it is to play the role of peacemaker in one particularly intense battle, it’s unwise. The individuals in question are actually enjoying this lengthy and unsettling clash. Not only do they thrive on the sheer drama of it all, it’s giving them an opportunity to air their views to anybody who’ll listen.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Often you’ve not only observed those who’ll happily take an offer based on few facts or leap into a new, unstable yet intriguing arrangement, you’ve envied them. Now you’re facing a similar situation but are struggling. You want guarantees. Wait, and you may get them, but it’s more likely you won’t.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

The line between being enthusiastic about new ideas yourself, and encouraging others to embrace them is never clear-cut, atleast for you. However, one particular individual is very territorial about their own ideas and has no interest in yours. Tempting as it is to debate their views, you’d soon regret it. Back off.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

It’s often said that the New Moon is about a fresh start, but you’ve often ignored that and moved on with whatever you were doing. However, because the Capricorn New Moon, on 26 December, was an eclipse, events called your attention to it. Intriguingly, you’re now benefiting from the wise changes you made.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Appealing as the term ‘final decision’ is during periods of rapid and unsettling change, such as this is, you’d regret rushing things. What seems the end of discussions one day could turn into yet more exploration just a day later. If you’re in a hurry to organise plans, ensure everybody understands that they’re tentative.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Being told you’re about to be disillusioned may not sound like good news. But the situation in question has been a source of disappointment for ages, so this is nothing new. If you can’t let go of the arrangement in question, at least recognise the fact it’s coming to an end, because it is. And soon.


While, often, you enjoy what you’ve done being acknowledged, just as often you’d rather move quietly behind the scenes. This not only means it’s unlikely you’ll encounter the suggestions, ideas or objections of others, you’ll also be able to assess the reaction without having to discuss it, point by point. Still, bear in mind, at some point you’ll want others’ support, and that won’t come by magic. Since you’ll need to get them involved sooner or later, you may as well do it now.