Aries (March 20 — April 19)

You’ve been told to trust your instincts at times in the past but found it easier said than done. Yet on reflection you realised how simple it is. Apply what you learned to the past several days’ events. Here, too, your intuition will prove far more reliable than hard facts.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20)

Powerful as your instinct will be to battle to keep certain familiar, if not longstanding, arrangements going, it’s unwise. Times have changed and so, too, must these. Taking the first step will require courage. But within days, or perhaps hours, you’ll realise why these changes aren’t just wise, they’re essential.

Gemini (May 21 — June 20)

By no means are you a control freak. Yet you’re determined to take charge of decisions that, in truth, are the responsibility of others. If you want to get involved, discuss your ideas and views with the individuals in question. What you learn will be as reassuring as it is informative.

Cancer (June 21 — July 21)

Being ruled by the Moon, you’ve an instinctive sense of when others need to be left to themselves versus the ideal moment to confront issues. If you feel certain increasingly urgent issues must wait, you’re right. Wait until midmonth, in fact, and events will force them to acknowledge something must be done.

Leo (July 22 — August 22)

For ages you’ve known you’d have to tackle several tedious but essential practical matters. Now that the volatile Mars has moved to accent these, that time has come. Move swiftly and you’ll get these done and dealt with before the situation becomes urgent which, judging by Mars’ influence, it soon will.

Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

One of your strengths as somebody who’s a practical earth sign, but who benefits from being ruled by the inquisitive Mercury, is that you’ll happily listen to any idea or suggestion. Do that now, and attentively, since what seems least likely now could, within a short while, turn out to be brilliant.

Libra (September 23 — October 22)

Nobody is better at giving advice without seeming to interfere than a Libra. Still, what you have to say could seem so important that you feel the need to force issues. Don’t. Unenthusiastic as others appear to be, it’s only because they’re thinking about what you’ve said. Give them time.

Scorpio (October 23 — November 21)

While you’ve no fear of drawing the line with others when you must, you’d rather deal with contentious issues in a more subtle manner. However, if you’ve tried that in the recent past and go nowhere, you’re better off addressing the situation in question frankly. And the sooner, the better.

Sagittarius (November 22 — December 20)

By nature, you’re expansive. Thus, you can struggle when circumstances force you to take things at a slow pace. Irritating as this may be, it also gives you a chance to think certain matters through in depth. Not only is this timely, the resulting insights could shape certain pivotal decisions.

Capricorn (December 21 — January 19)

Although you’d be right in saying you’re not nearly as sentimental as other signs, you can still become amazingly attached to certain alliances, arrangements and even habits. Enough that you’re struggling with changes that are as timely as they are important. Saying farewell isn’t easy but it is vital.

Aquarius (January 20 — February 17)

Some plans can be thought up and executed on your own. However, those you’re currently thinking about would involve others and require their support. If there’s any problem, it’s that their obligations could lead to delays. Frustrating as these are, it’s worth it. What you have in mind is worth waiting for.

Pisces (February 18 — March 19)

Certain individuals have a perverse tendency to create disruption in situations that are otherwise calm, if not very happy. This is the case now. While ordinarily you’d laugh off their antics, what you’re dealing with is too important. Make it abundantly clear you’ve no intention of tolerating nonsense from anybody, including them.

If it’s your birthday today

The theme of your birthday chart is openness. You rarely think about it, but to you, information has value, if not power. Consequently, you keep certain facts to yourself. Some are genuinely private but others aren’t. And in some situations, if others were aware of this information, joint circumstances or, possibly, your relations with them would be very different and, perhaps, less stressed. Considering what you say, and don’t, in this light will be very helpful indeed.