Aries (March 20 – April 18)

The facts may seem reliable. But judging by the present exceedingly tricky planetary activity, you could have things wrong. However, because this influences everybody else as well, others could be as much in error. Knowing that, put off any serious decisions until those facts are clear, in a week’s time.

Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

Disruptive developments aren’t necessarily what they seem. The planetary set-up suggests they are offering a glorious opportunity to learn something. While you won’t recognise what that is right now, the secret is to be inquisitive for the sake of it. You’ll enjoy the process of learning so much those insights will be a bonus.

Gemini (May 20 – June 20)

Now that your ruler Mercury has joined the Sun, Venus and, importantly, the uncompromising Pluto in one of the financial angles of your chart, the time has come to talk over complex issues involving others. While you won’t necessary achieve an accord swiftly, simply discussing these problems frankly will help exchange tension for harmony.

Cancer (June 21 – July 21)

Some differences are more a matter of taste than anything worth arguing about. However, at least one issue is important enough that it really can’t wait. Try to avoid these matters and they will soon become confused with those that are less crucial. Knowing that, discuss these candidly. And the sooner, the better.

Leo (July 22 – August 21)

Keeping others calm and contented isn’t your responsibility. But at the moment, it’s a good idea. Or at least it would be wise between now and the first week of the new year. After that the tricky planetary activity that’s already beginning to create tensions, and could lead to dramas, will have passed.

Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

Although seeing those you care about suffering isn’t easy, they clearly have no intention of seeking help or guidance. This is very different from your more practical approach to challenging situations, which is to gather as many facts as possible. Do that on their behalf, but offer those insights only when asked.

Libra (September 22 – October 22)

On rare occasions an element of life turns suddenly, in a new and quite unexpected direction. To judge from the planetary activity that takes place between now and the new year, that is exactly what is happening to you. While many changes will be disruptive, you’ll instantly recognise them as exactly what is needed.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

For you, as a Scorpio, trust is essential to both personal relationships and in situations out in the world. Yet circumstances are forcing you to deal with somebody who, you now realise, has questionable values. Acknowledge this and, even more importantly, that you can’t change them. You have no other choice.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 20)

In the past you have often had to curtail or even delay plans because others were anxious about the risks involved. Now, however, things are moving so swiftly that there will be little chance to discuss any such concerns. Actually, that’s best, as you can make decisions without having to justify them to anybody.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)

Others are listing their New Year resolutions. But you are focusing on certain elements of the past that are vanishing. That is as it should be now, just prior to the Capricorn New Moon, which takes place on January 1 and begins your personal New Year. Until then, think carefully about who and what must go.

Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)

Change is a source of growth, in the world around us and in our own lives. Yet certain changes are causing considerable anxiety. If you or others are struggling with these developments, think of moments in the past when you were just as worried, and things turned out brilliantly. They will this time, too.

Pisces (February 18 – March 19)

Some people complain because they are facing problems or something that seriously inconveniences them. But one particular individual seems to regard complaining as a pastime, a form of idle chat. Once you understand this and that, actually, there’s no problem, you’ll stop worrying or wondering what you can do to help them.