Aries (March 20 – April 19)

It’s time to rebuild bridges. Over the past month or so you’ve run into problems or actually had out-and-out clashes with others. At the time you were unable even to discuss the issues in question. Now there’s an opportunity. While you’ve other pressing tasks, resolving these comes first.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Certain decisions would mean reorganising elements of your life. Obviously, you want to ensure they’re wise. Yet because the actual situations remain unsettled, you’re hesitant about committing. Do so now, while both your ruler Venus and Mars are in Taurus. Just ensure arrangements are flexible so you can easily make alterations.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Only days ago, if you’d been asked whether you’d been dishonest about anything, you’d both have been shocked and denied it. Yet you have been. This wasn’t intentional. Rather situations you’ve been discussing, and regarded as stable, have changed. Yet you neglected to mention it, which in turn caused others problems.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

There’s a fine line between having strong convictions, which you do, and being stubborn. Not that you think you are. Rather, you believe you’re sticking to what’s wise and right. However, because of this you’re not taking the concerns of certain individuals seriously. Do so. They’re worth listening to.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

While you’re wise to be wary of certain individuals, you’d trust others, no matter what. Yet recent events have raised questions about this. Things aren’t what they seem. Those you rely on were either misinformed themselves or short of facts. Once this is cleared up, your faith in them will be restored.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Planning ahead isn’t just a virtue, ordering both your thoughts and actual arrangements exchanges feelings of anxiety for a sense of being in control. Still, bear in mind that with the two recent eclipses having triggered shake-ups, changes are inevitable. While unsettling, these give you a chance to rethink those things.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Because you make decisions only after considerable thought, research and discussion, once they’re made you tend to stick with them. This week, however, the odds are good you’ll need to rethink several arrangements. This has nothing to do with your conclusions and everything to do with unexpected, and dramatic, changes.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

True, under certain circumstances plans must be thoroughly analysed before anything is agreed. Try to do that now, however, and you’ll drive yourself and everybody else crazy. With the foundation on which arrangements are based shifting regularly, you’re better off focusing on the big picture and leaving details for later.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Few things are more aggravating than being forced to review the minor issues that are holding up major plans. You may have hoped these would work themselves out. While they won’t, if you discuss them now, you’ll find certain individuals can, and will, give you a welcome hand resolving these.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Ordinarily your response to sudden and rather unwelcome changes would be to panic briefly, then consider your options. While initially you might decide to ride things out, these are part of a larger cycle of change, one that’s about broadening your horizons in terms of ideas, pursuits and your goals.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 17)

Although the influence of the New Moon and, especially, the Full Moon diminish immediately after these have taken place, the recent eclipses are quite another matter. If you’re still experiencing the shakeups they triggered, it’s no surprise. In some cases this lasts until the next pair of eclipses, in six months’ time.

Pisces (February 18 – March 19)

Long ago you realised there’s little point in gathering all the facts if others ignore them anyway. Now, however, you owe it to yourself to be up to date on both circumstances and what’s being both discussed and planned. The resulting insights will help you assess your priorities, now and for the future.