“After a year on the streets, for being an overperformer, I lived a hand-to-mouth existence, and the family-and-friends list began to die out. A cup of coffee would be my food for the day and the bold and loud person that I was, socially well known, was slowly lost into oblivion as my brain froze on the reality — the reality that being truthful and hardworking doesn’t always end well. But I kept faith and had one frequent visitor from the media who would come to see how I lived. But I did not look at my circumstances. I utilised my time to sit in an internet café and learn to be more PR-savvy through internet networking groups. Then one day I put an advertisement on Dubbizzle which read ‘If u are smart, u will employ me’, and got a call within 45 minutes. With perseverance one can achieve anything even in dire straits.”

— Elizabeth Al Shaddai, Dubai

“I travelled a lot last year. And the best thing I’ve learnt is to travel light. I’ll make sure that I’ll do just that this 2012.”
Furne One
Fashion Designer Amato

“I have always been fascinated by the confectionary on display in shops. This is why I wanted to learn how to bake a cake. I started searching for recipes and tutorials on YouTube and Google. In my spare time, baking became my only mission. I made my first chocolate cake with very little help from my mother, and did not buy a ready-to-bake cake mix for it. I made the effort to whisk the mixture — and then there was no looking back. I have since made a variety of cakes. I am told that I bake them really well, so I may even take it up as a profession after college.”
Ola Yahaya, 16, Jordanian
Student, Al Maarifa International School, Sharjah

“I came to Dubai a year and a half back to study. Soon I realised that to be able to communicate better with people, I must learn Arabic. I enrolled in a course here and have passed with flying colours. I am now able to read Arabic newspapers and have even given presentations in the language. I now know that if I have to pursue a career here, learning the language will help me. It was also easier for me because my mother tongue is Farsi, which is very similar to Arabic. Once I am done with my course, I can apply for jobs that need bilingual candidates.”
Saya Rafieyan, 26, Iranian
Student-Masters in International Business Wollongong University, Dubai

“I’ve learnt digital photography this past year, and upgraded my camera to one with better features, as that would allow more editing options. I hope to hone this skill further. This also gives me the added benefit of going off into the desert (which my wife does not fancy much) and be able to explore the natural beauty of this wonderful country.”
Hari Kulkarni
Airline professional

“I enrolled on a four-day course in off-road biking, and completed the 56km tough test ride without falling even once. I learnt that the human mind works better than skills. If you learn to control your mind, you will be able to control the machine.”
Dr Javed Hingora
Indian, homoeopath

“I have been working with a maid-services company since 2004. I always thought tea is made by dipping a tea bag in water and adding sugar and milk to it. My clients also never complained. But whenever I bought a cup of ‘kadak chai’ in Dubai, I admired the taste but had no idea why it tasted so different. I tried making it at home but to no avail. Then, in March, when an Indian client asked me to make tea for her, I was surprised when she rejected my version. She then taught me how to make it the traditional Indian way. I have now mastered the art of brewing tea the Indian way, and my new customers are taken by surprise when I tell them I know how to make it.”
Lina Mariano, 51, Filipina, Dubai

“I was never a gym person. But I came across a Mua Thai teacher and was fascinated with the concept. It helped me build my stamina. Now that I have taken up gymming, I can work out rigorously even without a trainer.”
Sharon Pereira, 27
PR Professional

“As a kid, I used to break into a jig whenever I heard dance music. I was very fond of watching videos of R&B and hip hop on TV. I often copied styles from them, but it was only the beginning of this year that I realised dance is not just a hobby for me. I want to take it up as a profession. Hip hop was actually invented by African warriors as a form of exercise to prepare for war or a hunting expedition. But down the ages, it has become a form of dance. I decided to take it a step further and invented some of my own methods and steps. When friends encouraged my methodology, I started working on it. I looked up the internet and am now a regular in dance parties. I am even able to teach newbies.” Ali Farid, 19, Kenyan,
Student: Khaleej National School, Dubai

“I enrolled on an eight-week-long course of public speaking. On graduation day, I had to write and perform a stand-up piece. I did so well that the jury approached me to join them as a stand-up comedian on their tours across the UAE.”
Andre Reynolds, 45, American
Teacher in Sweihan School, Abu Dhabi

“The past year has been remarkable for me, as I participated in the 10km Dubai marathon. Even though I am a regular runner, I never participated in such a big event before. It was fun doing it, but it wasn’t easy. I clocked 54 minutes for my 10 kilometres. But the funny thing was that when I was about halfway through, I could see the top runners heading towards the finish line! My aim is to keep my timing less than 45 minutes. I realise now how challenging it is to run a full marathon — and that too in an hour’s time. It needs double the speed to be accomplished!”
Dr Manoj Kumar
Physiatrist (Specialist Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation) and Ayurvedic Consultant

“During the recession, I tried waking up on the other side of the bed to see if it helped, and it did! I realised it was not just my sleeping position but also the direction in which my house is built and certain other things that were making things worse for me. It’s all about energy! It’s important to know that you can turn negative energy in your life into positive energy.”
Nishant Narayanan
Advertising professional

“During a chat with a friend who specialises in biotherapy in Sri Lanka, I decided to learn it. I saw a huge change in myself. It helped me take control of my body and mind. I have a crazy life, running after kids and meeting deadlines. But meditation helps me stay focused.”
Shenika Delivera, 47, Sri Lankan
Events and PR specialist, Dubai

 “I have learnt this year to finally shed all inhibitions, accepted my cracked voice and explore my rock star talent. I am hoping my new found confidence will stay with me through the coming year as well.”
Ansh Mathur


As told to Manjari Saxena, Deputy Editor, tabloid! on Saturday and
Shahana Raza, Ritu Raizada, and Sherry Tenorio/Special to tabloid! on Saturday