Hygiene is a concern for Gulf News reader Chanel Mirah, who said residents of Jamal Abdul Nasser Street, Sharjah, are paying no heed to sewage leaking from an open drain. Image Credit: Chanel Mirah/Gulf News Reader

Back in September, Gulf News reported about the manhole in Jamal Abdul Nasser Street, Sharjah, which threw up raw sewage.

This time, as in the previous incident, the manhole played truant again.

And what is really amazing is the [indifferent] attitude of the people passing by who mindlessly cross from one side of the road to the other while wading through filthy drainage water.

The putrefying stench of the open drain does not seem to be a deterrent at all.

It is a serious [health hazard].

Prompt action

This time, the Sharjah Municipality service was already on the scene to contain the leakage.

Kudos to them for their prompt action!

However, care must be taken to ensure that this incident does not recur. Residents of Jamal Abdul Nasser Street need to be awakened from their ‘sleepy hollow' lifestyle and be aware of [cleanliness] and their surroundings.

Sharjah has always been relatively clean and green and we intend to keep it that way.

 — The reader is a resident of Sharjah

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